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How did they manage to hit anything with that short barrel?
How did they manage to hit anything with that short barrel?
...The German also had a 55mm auto cannon for use in fighters in an anti-bomber role. Muzzle velocity about like the 108, about half the ROF, but I'd think one direct hit would frequently be able to take down a 4 engine bomber.
Current US fighters all have 20mm cannons except of course for the A-10.
It probably benefits a bit as it's one weapon, so no harmonization to worry about, and nose mounted as opposed to wing mounted.
Modern gun sights and fire control are a LOT more accurate than even the best WW II gun sights.
Perhaps another way of looking at it would be to increase accuracy. We are looking at this problem (fighters ability to shoot down a bomber) but only from the point of view of weapon type. In my opine the .50 cal would have been more than fine if the accuracy could have been improved a bit (would have helped with any target not just those that carried free fall, gravity propelled devices).
More accuracy and about 10x the rate of fire. Not a bad combination!
In todays air to air environment it's difficult to gun an aware bandit.
head on attack doesn't always work , here there a b-17 facing 17 Zero and still win