Brendon Deere's hangar and aircraft

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Oct 12, 2011
Brendon Deere is the nephew of New Zealand fighter ace Wg Cdr Alan Deere and has amassed a small collection of aircraft, which he shares with the Royal New Zealand Air Force for display purposes. His hangar is located at RNZAF Base Ohakea and following the recent completion of his P-51 Mustang restoration, I popped by to chat to him and take a look at the aircraft. Some data from a local website:

Shipped from the US on the "Dominion Park".
Received at the Aircraft Assembly Depot Hobsonville on 27 August 1945.
Placed in rubberised storage at Hobsonville in early 1946.
Transferred to Ardmore by barge and road in February 1947.
Remained cocooned until early 1952.
Flown to storage at No.1 Repair Depot, Rukuhia in August 1952.
With No.2 (Wellington) TAF Squadron 12 July 1954-25 October 1955.
To No.42 Squadron, Ohakea in October 1955 for fighter affiliation, drogue towing, communications and continuation flying.
Withdrawn from service in early 1957.
This aircraft made the last RNZAF Mustang flight from Ohakea to Woodbourne on 30 May 1957 prior to being stored at Woodbourne from 30 July 1957.
Sold by GSB Tender Number 5926 to W. Ruffell, Blenheim in May 1958.
To J. Smith, Mapua 1964.
To Brendon Deere, Ohakea, 2020

The Mustang is one of the most original surviving flying P-51s as almost all of it has been reused. The wing was rebuilt with new spars but the rest was refurbished as it was substantially complete when Deere and his team received it.












More to come.
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More from Brendon Deere's hangar. The former RNZAF Historic Flight's New Zealand-built de Havilland Tiger Moth is now kept in Deere's hangar.


De Havilland Devon.


Bell 47 Sioux.


UH-1H Iroquois. I worked on these when they served with the RNZAF, including this one.


Grumman Avenger. This aircraft is not ex-RNZAF but looks the part. It's engine has recently undergone overhaul and is as we speak in the process of being refitted.


Aermacchi MB-339CB.


Last but not least, this Spitty restoration wears the markings of Wg Cdr Deere's Mk.IX.




PV270 is the aircraft's original serial, while "AL' was Al Deere's personal marking.


The Avenger and Spitty in the RNZAF Heritage Flight two years ago. Brendon Deere and the RNZAF have a deal where the air force pay his operation costs so he can fly his aircraft on behalf of the air force as a PR exercise.



Thanks for looking.

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