Bridge That Attracts Dumb Truck Drivers

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Pacific Historian
Jun 4, 2005
Orange County, CA
This was funny.

It has sound, so turn up the speakers.


  • Train Trestle vs Trucks.mpg
    9.7 MB · Views: 183
Hi Syscom,

>It has sound, so turn up the speakers.

I was cycling below a bridge once when a truck with a tank trailer jammed itself under that bridge ... the almighty "BOING!" almost killed me right on the spot, never mind the sheared-off bolt that narrowly missed my head ;)

(This bridge attracted dumb truck drivers just like the one in the video ... trouble is that they have to stop rail traffic each time this happens to check if the bridge structure took any damage.)

One good cartoon on the topic showed a clearly oversized truck approaching a bridge with an "11' 8" sign. The guy in the cabin next to the driver says: "Watch out, we're at least 13 feet!" ... and the driver replies: "Don't worry - I don't see a cop anywhere!"


Henning (HoHun)
That place reminds of two places I've been in Canada, one in Moncton NB, the other by Niagara Falls - PB might know where I'm talking about at the location by the falls.

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