Brit sniper.

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Pacific Historian
Jun 4, 2005
Orange County, CA
Defence Editor

A BRITISH sniper waging war on the Taliban is so deadly he has earned a chilling nickname — The Man Who Never Misses.

The unerring Army sharpshooter has killed 39 rebel fighters single-handedly.

His marksmanship is so lethal that rumours have spread like wildfire through insurgents' camps, causing panic and confusion.

The sniper — who The Sun is not naming to prevent him becoming a target himself — is a member of elite 3 Para.

Described by sources as "the best shot in the Army" he is responsible for over five per cent of the 700 insurgents killed by Paras since British forces returned to Afghanistan.

He is based in the wild Helmand province, where our troops launched a massive assault on the Taliban this week.

A source said yesterday: "This sniper is truly something else — a silent assassin.

"In the deadly terrain of southern Afghanistan, where guerilla warfare rules, he has been invaluable. The rumours are sweeping enemy camps that he is the man who never misses."

The sniper's actual toll is probably higher than 39 but the Taliban's tendency to reclaim bodies makes deaths difficult to confirm.

His lethal L96A1 rifle has a range of 1,000 yards and is fitted with electronic sights and laser range-finders.

He works with a partner called a spotter, who locates the target and helps judge wind speed and distance so the bullet travels accurately.

Each day the pair risk their lives away from fellow Paras, taking up covert positions and often lying hidden for as long as ten hours at a time. Once the shot has been fired they need nerves of steel to stay concealed while Taliban rebels wielding rocket-propelled grenades and machine-guns desperately try to hunt them down.

The Ministry of Defence would not discuss the crackshot for security reasons.

But he is regarded as one of the most successful British snipers since World War Two.

Earlier this year it was revealed that the Army is creating an elite force of almost 700 snipers, with all 38 infantry battalions required to have an 18-man platoon of sharpshooters by 2008. It will be the first time formal sniper platoons will have existed since the end of the First World War in 1918.

The decision follows the success of British and US sniper teams who have killed dozens of terrorists on recent operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In 2003 Royal Marines sniper Corporal Matt Hughes killed an Iraqi gunman from 900 yards with a "wonder shot" in which he aimed 56ft to the left and 35ft high to allow for wind.

The bullet's trajectory was calculated by his spotter after he studied the movement of dust in the breeze. And Irish Guards Sergeant Eddie Waring lay on a roof for hours to take out three Iraqis who were laying mines in Basra.

FOUR Canadian NATO soldiers were killed and ten wounded in separate attacks in Afghanistan yesterday.
Three died when rocket-propelled grenades were fired on troops working with local forces to improve security near the city of Kandahar. The other was killed by a roadside bomb. At least 34 civilians were killed or wounded in the day of violence.

The Sun Online - News: The Taliban Terminator
In 2003 Royal Marines sniper Corporal Matt Hughes killed an Iraqi gunman from 900 yards with a "wonder shot" in which he aimed 56ft to the left and 35ft high to allow for wind.

The bullet's trajectory was calculated by his spotter after he studied the movement of dust in the breeze.

Now THAT, is amazing!
Pretty cool. I'd say, "That's my tax dollars at work" but it would be more like somebody else's Pounds at work.
evangilder said:
In 2003 Royal Marines sniper Corporal Matt Hughes killed an Iraqi gunman from 900 yards with a "wonder shot" in which he aimed 56ft to the left and 35ft high to allow for wind.

The bullet's trajectory was calculated by his spotter after he studied the movement of dust in the breeze.

Now THAT, is amazing!

You're not kidding! :shock:
evangilder said:
In 2003 Royal Marines sniper Corporal Matt Hughes killed an Iraqi gunman from 900 yards with a "wonder shot" in which he aimed 56ft to the left and 35ft high to allow for wind.

The bullet's trajectory was calculated by his spotter after he studied the movement of dust in the breeze.

Now THAT, is amazing!
I agree Eric that is amazing! Great work from the spotter to calculate that and then a great shot to follow it up.
Dude, what I'd give to have that kind of shot. Unfortunately, my eyes are starting to blur a bit. Not to mention that the closest I've come to firing a gun is the air gun I have next to my bed.

900yards shot, 56ft left and 35ft high. Just by looking in at the way the dust blew in the wind.

I don't know what you Brits are teaching them or feeding them. Just keep up the good work.
How about this guy?

A world-record killing shot by a Canadian sniper detachment in Afghanistan could never have been made with the ammunition they were issued when they left Edmonton last winter, the triggerman said in a recent interview. The Canadian .50-calibre rounds have a maximum range of between 2,200 and 2,300 metres.

But the U.S. rounds, they discovered, "fly farther, faster," said Cpl. "Bill", a 26-year-old native of Fogo Island, Nfld.

The two-man Canadian team, coupled with American Sgt. Zevon Durham of Greenville, S.C., made the kill from 2,430 metres, or nearly 2 1/2 kilometres, on the second shot.

This feat is the equivalent of standing at the foot of Yonge St. and hitting a target in the intersection of Yonge and Wellesley Sts., just north of College St.

The first shot blew a bag from the hand of their target, an Al Qaeda fighter walking on a road.

"He didn't even flinch," said Bill, who spoke on condition that his real name not be used.

"We made a correction and the next round hit exactly where we wanted it to. Well, a bit to the right."

The kill, one of more than 20 unofficially accredited to Canadian snipers during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan's Shah-i-Kot Valley, beat the 35-year-old record of 2,500 yards, or 2,250 metres, set by U.S. Marine Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock in Duc Pho, South Vietnam.

Killing shot made at distance of 2,430 metres
I bought The Sun the other day just for the story, the headline "Taliban Terminator" caught my eye. It's a good thing both Britain and the U.S are setting up dedicated sniper units. They've always been a valuble asset on the battlefield.
I read a detailed article on that shot here in Toronto. The guys said that the Taliban was so pasive after the first shot because they were "battle hardened veterans and probably been shot at before". The sniper said that the talibans were quite cool under fire.

Well, in this case that cool got him waxed.:lol:

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