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The Basket

Senior Master Sergeant
Jun 27, 2007
What is your view on the UK today? Since this is a world forum, it would be interesting to hear your views.

I won't take offence....Honest!
I would love to be British! They are much classier than Americans. My wife I are Anglophiles, so if we could move to Britain and live there for the rest of our lives, we would be very happy. I suppose most of that has to do with the fact that we are students of history, British history in particular (I specialize in the so-called "Dark Ages" and early Middle Ages, she prefers the late Middle Ages/Elizabethan era), so we would love to live where all of that history actually took place. The best overseas trip we ever took was when we stopped over in London on our way to Norway; got to see Windsor and Madame Tussauds.
I would love to be British! They are much classier than Americans. My wife I are Anglophiles, so if we could move to Britain and live there for the rest of our lives, we would be very happy.

To my British friends...This post is in no way meant to reflect negatively on your great country.


"Classier" ??? That's a matter of opinion and I strongly doubt you could prove that.

Two questions...

1) Aren't you happy here?

2) When are you moving?

I have many friends in England and have been to many places in England and all over the UK many times.

I have nothing against the British and have allways considered them great people (except when Germany is playing them in football....2-1 TAKE THAT WEMBLEY!!!! :lol:).
TO... you're a hard man ..... Horse-sh!t and gunsmoke ! Tell it like it is !

I have visited England..... Southampton by ship and London by air.
I like the country, but can't stand your damned weather !

I think I'll stay in the US.

What is your view on the UK today? Since this is a world forum, it would be interesting to hear your views.

I won't take offence....Honest!

I'll let you know in 2 weeks. Next week, on Friday, the wife and I 'll take the nightboat and will be staying in London for a week. First holiday without the kid (I have a 3 year old boy).
The only time I really spend a long time in your country was when I was hiking in Scotland for a few weeks, some 6 years ago. Man I really loved it there. Still want to go back.

On the plus
Funniest people on the planet (best sense of humor(humour) that is)
Very interesting history
Great music
I've spent about 2 weeks there - I like the people
I'm happy to have them as an ally
British women like American men

Not so plus
Tony Blair was a brainless Bush-stroking lackey
Unspectacular food
Unspectacular teeth
Get over the Monarchy! Spend the money elsewhere!
I haven't forgiven them for burning Washington DC said u wouldn't get angry!!!!:D

I really dont want to get involved because I agree with you. I dont think you can base who is classiest off what nation they come from, but can you prove him wrong since you say he cant prove it?


No, and that's my point. Something as nebulous as "who's classier, Americans or Brits" could never (IMHO) be proved, one way or the other. And for that reason it's something that probably should be left unsaid. I've got no problem with anyone who loves England; I hope like heck to get there someday myself.

But as Charles said, I tell it like it is. No offense intended to anyone. :)

To my British friends...This post is in no way meant to reflect negatively on your great country.


"Classier" ??? That's a matter of opinion and I strongly doubt you could prove that.

Two questions...

1) Aren't you happy here?

2) When are you moving?


Yes, it is definitely a matter of opinion, I never stated otherwise (I don't think); and, yes, I am happy here, I still feel the US is the greatest country on earth (even with all of it's problems).

As for when I'm moving, probably never; but a guy can dream, can't he?
Yes, it is definitely a matter of opinion, I never stated otherwise (I don't think); and, yes, I am happy here, I still feel the US is the greatest country on earth (even with all of it's problems).

As for when I'm moving, probably never; but a guy can dream, can't he?


See my reply to Adler below. That's where I'm coming from. Again, no offense intended.

Pros - Love their dry humour, our long standing alliance (God I hope it continues), beautiful countryside, common background/beliefs/direction, historical architecture is both fascinating and gorgeous, the fact that we have more in common than not, and finally I would like to think that either side would come to the others aid in time of need and even if at great cost. I can't say that but for only a couple of other countries (Australia and Canada).

Cons - Your obsession with royalty looks as stupid as the US obsession with Hollywood, an influx of socialists worries me that our politics may diverge to a precipitous point, ratifying the EU constitution will misdirect your priorities, catering to muslim extremists in your mist will upset yours (and our) economy, sometimes Brits come across as haughy and holier than thou.
No, and that's my point. Something as nebulous as "who's classier, Americans or Brits" could never (IMHO) be proved, one way or the other. And for that reason it's something that probably should be left unsaid. I've got no problem with anyone who loves England; I hope like heck to get there someday myself.

But as Charles said, I tell it like it is. No offense intended to anyone. :)


Ah well, classier is very generally said. I've met some classy Americans (yes I really have :D ) and British tourists are notorious here in Europe for their manners and drinking, no offence as this is just a general feeling here, in reality it's probably a small minority.
But why do you think all this is better left unsaid when it is only an expression of a point of view, TO? You probably think the US is the greatest country in the world (I'm assuming here) and right you should as it's your country. That's not a fact (well, maybe for Americans ;) ), but a point of view.
Ah well, classier is very generally said. I've met some classy Americans (yes I really have :D ) and British tourists are notorious here in Europe for their manners and drinking, no offence as this is just a general feeling here, in reality it's probably a small minority.
But why do you think all this is better left unsaid when it is only an expression of a point of view, TO? You probably think the US is the greatest country in the world (I'm assuming here) and right you should as it's your country. That's not a fact (well, maybe for Americans ;) ), but a point of view.


First of all, you're correct, I do think that, as an American, the USA is the greatest country in the world. And I would hope that the citizens of other countries feel the same way about their respective nations. But you will never see me come on this forum and say "My country is greater than your country". My problem was with the following quote by SoD "They are much classier than Americans". That is what can be left unsaid. IMO Brits and Americans are BOTH classy. My major point is that a compliment can be made to a certain group (in this case the Brits) without reflecting negatively on another (Americans).

Hope this makes some sense. I can't say it any clearer.



First of all, you're correct, I do think that, as an American, the USA is the greatest country in the world. And I would hope that the citizens of other countries feel the same way about their respective nations. But you will never see me come on this forum and say "My country is greater than your country". My problem was with the following quote by SoD "They are much classier than Americans". That is what can be left unsaid. IMO Brits and Americans are BOTH classy. My major point is that a compliment can be made to a certain group (in this case the Brits) without reflecting negatively on another (Americans).

Hope this makes some sense. I can't say it any clearer.



It does TO. You mean if he'd said something like "I think the British are very classy" it would have been better and that's probably what was meant.

By the way, I believe The Netherlands is the greatest country in the world. Unfortunately, it's only a small minority thinking the same :lol:

Just curious...have you visited England recently?

Talk about the Chav invasion; also you might witness Cockneys and other London specimens happily engaged in sexual activity in back alleys, yes, by the side of garbage containers possibly with rats as companions, also sex in parks at night; it is as common as salt and pepper on the table.

I do not recall seeing anything like this in cities like New York, Boston, Chicago, Phoenix or Dallas.

Also Elton John is a Knight...what a disgrace...i´d like to know the opinion of Sir Francis Drake on this particular matter.

Just curious...have you visited England recently?

Talk about the Chav invasion; also you might witness Cockneys and other London specimens happily engaged in sexual activity in back alleys, yes, by the side of garbage containers possibly with rats as companions, also sex in parks at night; it is as common as salt and pepper on the table.

I do not recall seeing anything like this in cities like New York, Boston, Chicago, Phoenix or Dallas.

Also Elton John is a Knight...what a disgrace...i´d like to know the opinion of Sir Francis Drake on this particular matter.

No, I have not been to the British Isles in about 15 years; I guess things have changed since then. I don't remember seeing anything like that when I was in Kensington.

TO Marcel: You are correct; it probably would've been better if I hadn't compared the British to anybody else, let alone Americans. But I am an American so, in a way, I was insulting myself. I had not intended to insult my fellow Americans, but apparently I have. For that, I apologize, no insult was intended.

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