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I got a couple of e-mails from Mike at New Year, and just after.
He's fine, and intends to get back soon, but he's been very busy looking after his wife, who is about to, or has just had, some surgery, and he's also been quite busy with his house and dogs, one of which is a puppy and quite a handful, by all accounts.
I need to reply to him, so I'll pass on the concerns.
Well, now we have another one that's gone AWOL

I've noticed it's been quiet from John (aka Readie) for a while now and it shows his last foray onto the forums is last December and just the other day, I noticed he's gone from Facebook...anyone across the pond know what's going on there?
Any one know anything about Ed (otftch). I was thinking I hadn't seen anything of him in a wile and went and checked his profile. It's been 11 months since he signed in.

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