C-47 "Boogie Baby" Photos

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Jun 21, 2007
Frederick, OK
I wanted to share a small selection detailed photos of the WWII Airborne Demonstration Team C-47 "Boogie Baby". We were extremely fortunate to operate such a original and well maintained plane! You can find a very complete history of this plane compiled by our XO, Gordon Stewart at:

Boogie Baby

On to the pictures:

Low pass after the 5th jump, January 2007

Jumpers exiting Boogie!

Running her up prior to a flight


Navigators station

View from the cargo area toward the cockpit

Cargo area/troop seats

Rear cargo area

For more information on our organization, visit World War II Airborne Demonstration Team.


A few more pictures of Boogie Baby, one of our members, Dave Brothers, is training to take a pilot in command check ride for the C-47. I went along for the ride as the crew chief.

Boogie Baby on the ramp.

Head on view of Boogie.

View of the cockpit.

Dave Brothers flying left seat.

Ray Cunningham (WWII ADT Aviation Commander) in the right seat for a change!

Takeoff takes teamwork from both!

View of the former Frederick Army Air Field, home of the WWII ADT.

WWII hanger housing the ADT HQ. This was built in 1943 as a "temporary" building!

Closer view of the ADT HQ hanger.

To see how you can support this great airplane, check out our website, World War II Airborne Demonstration Team. We are always looking for volunteers who would like to help with the maintenance of the airplane!



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