Can anyone help with translating ww2 japanese flag

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Was looking for help on this flag. It came from a Los Angeles estate. The owner who passed away 18 years ago served in the US Navy during WW2. I briefly looked through his ship's log book that the family has and saw about a dozen ports of call including Guam but don't remember the others. His surviving family didn't know he had this. Thanks in advance for any help with translation!


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Clue is this guy -

船川海事部副長 諸井喜代治 - Deputy General Manager of Funakawa Maritime Division Kiyoji Moroi

He was a prominent person in the postwar Akita Prefecture.
Akita Pref. held the 17th Infantry Regiment of IJA.
This regiment was deployed in Philippines in July 1944 but ended the war with few chances to fight due to food/munition shortage in the mountains.

The original flag owner was 管原與治郎 (Yojiro Sugawara) with age estimated around 30 as he was enlisted as a corporal.

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Clue is this guy -

船川海事部副長 諸井喜代治 - Deputy General Manager of Funakawa Maritime Division Kiyoji Moroi

He was a prominent person in the postwar Akita Prefecture.
Akita Pref. held the 17th Infantry Regiment of IJA.
This regiment was deployed in Philippines in July 1944 but ended the war with few chances to fight due to food/munition shortage in the mountains.

The original flag owner was 管原與治郎 (Yojiro Sugawara) with age estimated around 30 as he was enlisted as a corporal.

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Excellent info and thanks from the forum for taking the time to translate.

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