Can I ever get them built

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LOL!!! me too! everytime I get a model, I HAVE to build it right away. but sometimes I don't feel like modeling, so they sit there, collecting dust for a couple months. XD
I count myself somewhat lucky, I'm not allowed to have more than one model at a time haha. So I get one I like, build it, then buy another one. I currently only have one sitting around the house unbuilt that seems to escape my parents' detection.
I have about 30 unbuilt kits, and till I finish them all, my parents wont let me get anymore, so i need to hurry up and get them all built! That'll be a while cause that Bandai 1/15 remote controlled Pz IV is going to be a long build...
I know I have several Luft '46 kits that I want to build, but I don't have a lot of time to build since school work comes first and this summer, i've been so busy I've only had time to build one (a German P-47D)
You've got more stuff than my local HS...........................

but if you have a Halifax I'll lighten your load and add it to my skimpy stock!
I only have TWO in boxes.
Do I even qualify to be in this forum?
Perhaps I shoulda kept that to myself....... Doh
If I don't get this catheter out soon, it's gonna be a close race for my Two! and the seven under way! and the other Three I wanna do! Oh no! does this mean I am coming down with the syndrome???????????????????????????? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
What a great thread.

I finished four kits last year, and that was going some at every available opportunity. At that rate I reckon it would take me over 30 years to get through a stash that size ... can you take them with you to the afterlife???

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