Can you ID this engine?

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Mar 1, 2009
Houston, Texas
Welp, I'm calling upon the expertise and encyclopedic knowledge of the forum members yet again. Same story as my last post -- scanning a bunch of slides, occasionally come across a photo I can't identify, and one that I can't find answers to by doing web searches. This one was taken in 1986 at an air show in Chino, CA, as near as I can determine.

The triangular emblem on the exhaust header reads "Kay Products Detroit Mich" Google didn't turn up anything on this outfit, and I'm figuring that they were probably the manufacturer of the exhaust only, but I suppose I could be wrong.

Any idea what engine this is, and what airplane it might possibly be bolted to?


I'm thinking the same thing. The step post just above the exhaust is also a hint. It's difficult to see the post in normal pictures, but the close-up shows it well. The exhaust looks like a custom exhaust. It could also be a PT-13. There isn't a whole lot of difference between the 2 visually. Here is a PT-13.


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Thanks, guys. In retrospect, a Stearman makes a fair amount of sense, since they're often flown at the air shows I've frequented. To me, the valve covers were also rather distinctive. I have a few Stearman photos, but none that had tight enough shots of the engines for me to make the connection.

Thanks to you guys, and after a bit more web searches, I've determined that the engine is a Lycoming R-680. Here's a shot I found on the net. Note the distinctive valve cover shape:

Again, thanks for the help. I'm trying to make my slide archive as accurate as I can, and it wouldn't be possible without the knowledge you guys posess.



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