Can you.....

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Now you've started something!
Ah! Wasn't there a pic in one of the threads a couple of months back, where some guys built a Spit on their way to one of the Oz expos?
I suppose it could be done, to an extent, if it wasn't too complex, and straight OOB.
I aint going to try though - with my hands, it can sometimes take that long just to open the bl**dy box!
There's no way I could do it; if I finish a kit inside of 24 MONTHS, then I'm working fast! My problem is I'm too much of a perfectionist; if I don't like something, I strip the paint off and start all over again (well, at least on that one piece). Also, I like to give a MINIMUM of 24 hours between coats of enamel paint; there's definitely a difference between "dry" and "cured" paint. Ideally, you should let enamels cure for about a week before giving it a second coat, masking it, and/or applying decals.
Lets see......

Single engine because anything more would add time.

Monoplane - same reason.

Jet engine because less parts and almost zero paint scheme.

How about a 1/72 Sabre jet or MiG 15?

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