Canadians in Holland ... 1944 and yesterday

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Jan 22, 2009
Love Affair


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Ironic, but not surprising, that these guys get far more attention in the Netherlands than here at home. The Dutch do it right, teaching their young generations about this significant time in their history and affording them the opportunity every year to honour our vets.
Holland is a very special case in so many ways ... the Dutch escaped WW1 so this is Holland's "Great War" ... the Dutch incurred the highest civilian casualties of any western Nazi-occupied country. And the girls ... :) .. a long-time cinematographer colleague of mine's Dad ... Colonel Tom .... was in the joint US-Canadian 'Red Devils' regiment. When it was disbanded after the southern France invaison, Tom was sent to Holland as a military administrator for a district in Holland. When the shooting stopped Tom's work was extracting Canadian boys from Dutch farms where they had gone 'native' :). Today the Dutch are the largest landowners in Canada by country-of-origin. It all created a LONG TERM Love AFFAIR.

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