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if you are one of these people, then either place a piece of paper over the foreground, showing only the Do335 or click your back button to leave alltogether.

Or if you are into the macarbe, you can stare in mute fascination like at a car accident where everyone really wants to see if they can see any blood, but partly don't want to look in case they do!
Nice find Dave! The Pfeil is one of my favorites!
I'll post an RAF Do335A-6 here in a little while

Or if you are into the macarbe, you can stare in mute fascination like at a car accident where everyone really wants to see if they can see any blood, but partly don't want to look in case they do!
That was me, pretty much...though not looking for blood, I was trying to see how many jets were in the pile
Rear engine caught fire during a display flight and the plane crashed killing the RAF test pilot.

Was just about to say the same; Grp Capt Hards on 18 January 1946 at Farnborough, elevator cables burned through.
These were on FB of all places. I really like the Me-410. And I may be mistaken but I do believe you can see dive brakes on it in the first photo. Correct me if I am wrong.


  • Me-410 Mosquito.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 152
  • Me-410.jpg
    30.9 KB · Views: 162
Caption says PR Trop I...

Oddly colored bird. In a Polish book it says(I think) DE/MS/Sky with the British markings painted out in RLM80 and the starboard profile has, under the stabilizer, a panel, some underside splotches and the underwing roundels painted out in RLM78.


EDIT: By the by, does anyone have an underside diagram of a PR Trop I?
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Here other pictures of the Hurricane V7670... it was Mk.I type. It was a Hurricane from Malta and belonged to the 261st Squadron previously. PO John Pain scored one victory - a Bf 110 z III/ZG26 while flying the Hurricane over Malta. Colours: Dark Earth/Middle Stone/Sky with RLM70 and 78 applied at RAF markings. The RLM80 sounds a little bit too strange. I have to check on that.

Oh yes.. this is of AJ-Press book. However the RLM80 was lighter than the RLM71 that was lighter than the RLM70. The colour in pictures looks very dark. So it is possible there could have been made a mistake with the ID of the paint. I have somewhere a nice article in Aero magazine about capured Hurricanes. As memo serves the colour was mentioned as the RLM70 there. But not sure about that.

Ok, we go with RLM70 and 78 for the patches and the over painting of the underwing roundels(can kinda, sorta see it under my port profile) and from the looks of your photos, there was some artistic license used for the panel under the starboard panel under the stab. I can see by your photos that it is not a tropical version but I've seen two captions mentioning a photo recon bird. Any thought there Wojtek?

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I have found the article. But it wasn't the Aero Magazine but the Militaria XX wieku Nr.3 (6) 2005. There is the same profile like the one in the Aj-Press publication. The caption says the RLM80 indeed. But there it is said in the article text that it might have been the RML80. So it isn't sure though. Also the profile is incorrect because the Hurricane Mk.I didn't have the Vokes filter. As far as the PR variant is concerned.. it is possible the Hurri could be used for reconnaissance missions. However her serial can be checked in the SAM publication. There should be mentioned the block of Hurricanes and the variant. Anyway the V7670 was ex 261st Squadron RAF captured by German and Italian in March/April 1941 and recaptured by British in January 1942. Also she was a part of fourth series of the Hawker factory as I found out. So it seems that it was the fighter machine. What is more the P.R. vesion should be painted with a solid colour overall while there is the desert camo applied. Additionally . please notice the lack of the foto-container under the fuselage.
The Hurricane was used by the 261st Squadron over Malta. In other images it can be seen that Hurricanes of the squadron used there were equipped with the Vokes filters. So it may indicate that the V7670 was Mk.I Trop variant . However , for some reason it could have been either dismounted or lost .

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