Carrier Service Unit Number One (CASU 1)

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According to the handwritten note on the back of this photo, the picture shows "CASU #42 Ordnance November 1944."

My quick count yielded 98 men including five wearing officer's hats. No location is given, or individual names. A separate inscription notes that my father, Joe Thornton, is fourth from the left in the back row (with a couple of palm trees coming out of his head). His rank is also scribbled beside his name and it looks like "AOM 2/c"


  • CASU42Ordnance11-1944.jpg
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  • CASU42Ordnance11-1944x1000.jpg
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There is nothing written on this photo, so I have no idea who it shows or where it was taken, or why it was in my Dad's possession. If I had to guess, I'd say the professional pose and clean, white coverall hints at a studio photo taken before the man shown joined an operational unit. His clothing and equipment don't have the worn, soiled look I associate with flying well-used aircraft from a crowded, greasy aircraft carrier ... or a hastily built crushed coral airstrip. Somebody else will have to comment on his helmet and goggles. I know nothing about the equipment used by pilots during WWII. There seems to be a palm tree in the background, but that doesn't mean it was taken in the Pacific. Lots of places in California, Texas and Florida have palm trees, and WWII air bases.

Also, nearly all of my father's male relatives and friends were in one branch of the military or another. One of them might have had this photo taken during aircrew training and sent copies to family and friends.

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I am using Photoshop CS5 to size the photos and save them in .jpg format. All but the giant group shot of CASU 42 are displayed okay in my Firefox browser. That group photo shows up as a link to an attachment. When clicked, the link displays the photo.
I am using Photoshop CS5 to size the photos and save them in .jpg format. All but the giant group shot of CASU 42 are displayed okay in my Firefox browser. That group photo shows up as a link to an attachment. When clicked, the link displays the photo. Anybody else have a problem?

ERRR. Double post by accident. Don't see the delete button.
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Charles, my name is Mike Williams. My father, like most, did not talk about his WWII experiences, but he did mention that he was on the USS Enterprise. I'm not sure of his enlistment, although on his papers he joined in 1942 to 1945. I would very much like to find out whatever I can. I am a volunteer on the USS Lexington, CV 16 here in Corpus Christi, TX and I found out about CASU's. I am pretty sure that is what my father served with. He was an AM2 when he got out. His name was George Williams (no middle name). Thanks, Mike
fdbrunner: My father, following the sinking of Yorktown CV-5, passed thru CASU-5 , North Island San Diego winding up with CASU-11 on Guadalcanal and then on to CASU-39 on Esperito Santo. I have one photo of the Guadalcanal CPO Mess with 27 individuals in front and one group photo of 58 members of CASU 11 on the 'Canal. The interest in these relatively ignored support units is suprising. Regards, Jim


My Dad, Robert H Little was also part of CASU 5 in San Diego, left early Mar 43 for Espiritu Santo enroute to Guadalcanal and CASU 11.
Let's open up direct discussion - I am at [email protected] and (808) 623-1230. I agree with your comment that this is a book that should be written. I recently made contact with the nephew of the CASU 11 Supply Officer and the two of us have some success gathering CASU 11 history - I would be happy to share.
Regards, Bill
My father was with CASU 11 during 1943. Any info you have would be greatly appreciated. The thought of seeing him in a photo is breath taking. He never spoke of his service days, sadly. I realize this post is several years old but hope you get the message. Many thanks, Gail


I have been researching CASU 11 for the last year and I have some material I would be happy to share - I am at [email protected] - send me an email and I will send you what I have assembled so far.
Regards, Bill

It is with great sadness that I must report my father, Robert W. Sanders, has answered his final muster. He completed his earthly tour of duty on November 15, 2014, in Oceanside, California, one month short of 90 years old. He served in CASU 31, in Hilo, Hawaii, 1943 - 1945, and CASU 33, in Los Alamitos, California, until his discharge on March 4, 1946. He had a good life....married to his "wartime" sweetheart for 69 years, and raised four children. He will be greatly missed, but is now, once again, with his bride, who preceded him on April 30, 2014.

I love you and salute you Dad,
Your loving son,

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CASU 33 is the big hole in time as far as we can tell. We know he was in the South Pacific. I found one person from CASU 1 that says that was out of scope for CASU 1. My guess is that CASU 33 had a section that was in the South Pacific, but I cant really prove it. References to the CASU 33 unit were limited. My grandfather was part of CASU 33 from the start, but did not stay with CASU 33 until the end of the war. I continue to post because if any of them are left a stray message such as this one might find someone some day. I believe that finding a person who knew my grandfather is the best way to get to some real facts about what happened.

My grandfather was also part of CASU 33 as well as CASU 2, Aviation Radioman First Class. I am sorry to say that he has passed.
Charles, my name is Mike Williams. My father, like most, did not talk about his WWII experiences, but he did mention that he was on the USS Enterprise. I'm not sure of his enlistment, although on his papers he joined in 1942 to 1945. I would very much like to find out whatever I can. I am a volunteer on the USS Lexington, CV 16 here in Corpus Christi, TX and I found out about CASU's. I am pretty sure that is what my father served with. He was an AM2 when he got out. His name was George Williams (no middle name). Thanks, Mike

this is Mike who sent the original note above. Has anyone any info. I do have S/N, DOB and other info from this separation papers. I am getting the family tree together and would really like to add some info on George Williams, AM2, I just found out on Fold3 that he was on the USS Essex on its transit to Hawaii, but can find nothing else. Please help, if you can.
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I am doing research for a Friend whose father just passed over he was CASU 18/34 any information would be helpful. I am a VP sailor myself. I can be reached at my e-mail box or PMs. Thank you
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I am joining the search for information on USN CASUs. My father, Bernard Keltyka was with CASU 6 (Enterprise, Princeton, ??) on Esperanto Santo, Guadalcanal and Bougainville in 1943 -1944. As an AMM 2, propeller specialist, he worked on primarily on F4Fs, SBDs and TBFs with occasional work on Army aircraft. He is fairly healthy at 96 and is a wonderful source of info with many stories on shore and carrier locations but will not talk about flying as gunner in SBDs and TBFs.

After the South Pacific, he was stationed with CASU 63 at Vernalis NAS, California until October 1945. The base was for training F6F night fighters for the invasion of Japan. Welcome any info on these two units. We can also supply additional personnel for these units. Thanks

Hi, Just joined the group. My father passed away many years ago, and like the rest I am looking for information. He was CASU 6 I only know this from his notice of separation from U.S Navel service. Name A Roy Gibson. Entered the service in 43 left in 46. I am just starting this hunt. I know from paper work he did basic training at NTS Great Lakes then VT-98 (no clue what this stands for) Casu 6 then Torp. Sqd 98. Anything would be great.
Hi, Just joined the group. My father passed away many years ago, and like the rest I am looking for information. He was CASU 6 I only know this from his notice of separation from U.S Navel service. Name A Roy Gibson. Entered the service in 43 left in 46. I am just starting this hunt. I know from paper work he did basic training at NTS Great Lakes then VT-98 (no clue what this stands for) Casu 6 then Torp. Sqd 98. Anything would be great.
VT-98 is a torpedo bomber squadron.
Hello I am looking for the WW2 era emblems in photos for CASU-1,2, etc any that were WW2. If you have any that can be e mailed to me Please contact me, thank you Very Much!!!
[email protected]

Have recently found design for CASU-1 but still need 2,and a good close up of CASU-31 I have a small color example but it is not very good on the details,I have examples of CASU's 1,3,12,16,21,24,31,32,36,55,65,66
any other CASU"s scans of them greatly appreciatted !!!!!

I'm looking for information on CASU 32, based, I believe, on Enewetok Atoll.

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