Catalina flight deck and blister view panoramas

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It's not a photo, it's not a video, but I guess some might be interested anyway!

Merry Christmas to all from a new member. I'm a professional photographer, specialised in interactive panoramas and virtual tours, and I have been lucky enough to be commissioned for work with a few warbirds.

You might be interested in a virtual tour of the Duxford Consolidated PBY Catalina (G-PBYA)

At the moment there are two parts, the flight deck and the most unusual view from one of the large perspex blisters at the rear. Further sections of the fuselage will be added in 2015.

On the flight deck, you will see descriptions of all the controls, instruments, and switches (unfortunately, this bit doesn't work on touch devices), so there is a lot to see and explore.

The photography was done at the Imperial War Museum Duxford.

The links are

Catalina virtual tour
Catalina virtual tour, full window version (best for mobile devices)
Catalina virtual tour on the Catalina Society website

Flight deck:

Blister view:

Please subscribe to the mailing list on the website if you are interested in future panoramas and virtual tours!

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