I think the #1 is wrong. Different calibers are not an issue; different ballistics are. If they start with the same muzzle veliocity, the separation should be minimized well enough to make it not a great issue except at very long ranges.
Otherwise, you have a good summary except, the top aces ALL preferred centerline-mounted armament and they accounted for a great portion of the kills, so it had a demonstrated advantage despite any disadvantages. Today, since most jets have fuselage-mounted guns ... if they HAVE guns, the issue is sort of moot since cernterline or very close to it is the norm.
Otherwise, you have a good summary except, the top aces ALL preferred centerline-mounted armament and they accounted for a great portion of the kills, so it had a demonstrated advantage despite any disadvantages. Today, since most jets have fuselage-mounted guns ... if they HAVE guns, the issue is sort of moot since cernterline or very close to it is the norm.
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