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I was out for some days, sorry. Here is a list of post where you can learn more about the end of M$ CFS series. Not too much because the things is more than a year old, so many threads went deleted. In the first you can also read something about the "advertising".;action=display;num=1133843069

And please consider that all people that were in contact with MS about CFS ((Unofficial test teams and such) signed a NDA and can't say much.
Anyway the sad thing is that CFS4 is really dead.
All I can tell you is that this is a brand new ad on the FSinsider site. All those links at Simouthouse and others are from an ad ages ago.
Anonymous said:
All I can tell you is that this is a brand new ad on the FSinsider site. All those links at Simouthouse and others are from an ad ages ago.

They came from the time when the news were known, of course. BTW, following MS habit and timing of previous sims, CFS4 should have been announced at Electronic Fairs about mid 2004 and released at the and of the same year, but...
Anyway, you can think what you like. The sad, but true fact is that currently nobody is working on CSF4.

And, going a little deeper in that ad, can we find inside it a single reference about PC games?
Knight_74 said:

Guys, as I said before, anyone can think and trust what he likes. I don't want to go polemic, but, please read well the ad. ACE studio refers itself as creator of CFS, FS and such, but nothing is said about what the "recruited" should do. Only a generic "designing, constructing and implementing 2D terrain textures". This could apply to almost every kind of game.
Anyway, CES starts in a few days. Almost every developer reveals the plan for the current year in that fair.
And be sure that I would be the first person to be happy if the news about the end of CFS series were false.

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