Challenging place to land, Courchevel Airport, France

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Not a lot of margin for error there. I loved the part where they came over the peak of he mountain and rolled to the other side. Exciting stiff, but you better be right on. Joe, you should show that to some of the students at the academy to let them see how easy they have it.
Running on memory, but in the film "Tomorrow Never Dies" Bond manages to overpower the baddies, escape in a L-39 jet and take off from a snow covered runway that reminds me of this one. Of course in the movie there is a cliff at the end!

Pure Hollywood fantasy or does the movie runway exist?
Saw an airbase in Switzerland when I was going through the St Gottadart (SP?) Tunnel to the North Side (word to the wise, avoid the tunnel go, over the top if you can, 2-3 hour long wait to get through). It was right along the road, in a valley and looked hairy to get in an out of. Mountains on all sides. You had to have some major power to get up (we were probably around 1000-1500 meters) and on a rainy summer day, with lousy vis, it must absolute murder to try to get in.

Anybody know the name of the field? It's on the A2, North of Lugano. Somewhere just a little north of Biasca.
made my palms sweat....

Kinda reminds me of landing on Catalina but much more extreme
Catalina is not that bad if you just go for the numbers and not let the slope intimidate you. Try Lake Isabella (Kern Valley). Parts of the year it's almost surrounded by water.


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Great thread! Would love to see some more extreme fields if possible.. But, you have to agree though gentlemen....there's NO airstrip ANYWHERE in the world, that's more terrifying than a carrier landing in bad weather at night...!

My hat off to them!

That shouldn't be an airstrip but a ride at Disneyland!

Actually it's not that bad if you stay away from the mountains and turn toward the water immediately if you have to go around. I've gone in there a few times with my wife (when we were dating). She was only a little scared!
Understood but the airstrip itself looks daunting. As he said coming in it looks like you're gonna hit the berm at the end of the runway and just pull at the last minute. And the roller-coaster strip itself. Woo-hee!

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