Nice shot of the Venom, Joe.
Down at KCMA, we get plenty of action. Bill Reeseman has both his MiG-15 and 17 there. There are about a dozen T-28s at the far end of the field near an EC-121 (Militarized Constellation). There are several civilan owned CJs, Mustang and a couple of PZL Iskras. There is a wide variety and vintage of Cessnas and Beechcrafts as well as some cool ones like the Ercoupe. There is at least one Stearman there.
Then the CAF has the Bearcat, Hellcat, Wildcat (on and off), T-34, several T-6/SNJs, Spitfire, PBJ, Mustang, C-46, C-131 and a static Yak-3. Add to the mix a couple next door and on our ramp, a vintage Martin 404 airliner, B-25 and a Percival Prentice.
There are others that I am sure I have forgotten, but we get regular fly ins from Santa Paula and Van Nuys, which also have an extensive amount of vintage birds.