Chance encounters with Warbirds...

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Nice shot of the Venom, Joe.

Down at KCMA, we get plenty of action. Bill Reeseman has both his MiG-15 and 17 there. There are about a dozen T-28s at the far end of the field near an EC-121 (Militarized Constellation). There are several civilan owned CJs, Mustang and a couple of PZL Iskras. There is a wide variety and vintage of Cessnas and Beechcrafts as well as some cool ones like the Ercoupe. There is at least one Stearman there.

Then the CAF has the Bearcat, Hellcat, Wildcat (on and off), T-34, several T-6/SNJs, Spitfire, PBJ, Mustang, C-46, C-131 and a static Yak-3. Add to the mix a couple next door and on our ramp, a vintage Martin 404 airliner, B-25 and a Percival Prentice.

There are others that I am sure I have forgotten, but we get regular fly ins from Santa Paula and Van Nuys, which also have an extensive amount of vintage birds.
down here we never get any warbirds, and it's very rare to see any modern military aircraft other than helicopters going to RNAS Culdrose, other than those on exercise on Bodmin Moor... although out on dartmoor we did see an F-15 once.......
We get aircraft over here all the time...Mainly Hawks, the odd Hercules now and then and a few months ago 3 F-18's...As well as the Helicopters (Mainly Chinooks and Lynx, sometimes a Puma or two)

Once my dad thought there was some Mustangs doing aerobatics...turned out to be Tucano's though
you've gotta laugh, whenever there's a piston engined aircraft around every always says it's a spitfire... what made me laugh more though was at this year's Culdrose airshow when the welsh guy sitting near me tried to tell his kid about the aircraft, he has two catagories, big/small and loud/quiet, whenever a "loud" one (to him, jets were the loud ones, piston the quiet) came the kid put earmuffs on, the dad made the mistake of telling his kid the harrier (which he'd just thought was an F-16) was a quiet one, upon going into hover the kid was screaming his head off.......
Although there is an airfield nearby, military spotting constitutes a crime in my country.Luckily the Archangel Air Show in Tanagra last year (which proved to be a great success considering it was the first one in Greece) gave many people the chance to be more familiar with military aviation.
i'm very lucky like that i guess... when i first moved to my new home (3years ago) i had no idea what was in store.. as on very sunny summer day a lone Spitfire (MkIIc) takes to the air.. and graces us all with a wonderful loops and 8s routine... its like a mini airshow at home.. i have some pics of it on my personal page.. it is such a dream watching it fly by.
I was on my way back from kansas city last weekend and I saw an F-18 havin some fun to the side of I-35. It was practicing at McConnell AFB, which seems to house only KC-135s. Vertical, level out on the deck, vertical again... So much fun to watch. I don't get many F-18 sightings.

For each home football game we have a flyover. The last game I went to we had a pair of navy Vikings fly over. We've had longbow apaches, f-16s, marine f-18s, and the year before I was here I heard there was a b-17 that came in so low it made everyone poo themselves. gameday rocks!
OK, I live near the Willow Grove Naval air base and when I was in middle school occasionally we'd see F-14s, F-18s, Blackhawks, Cobras, and A-10s

Also on labor day they'd have an air show and they have a B-17 and occasionally a B-25 fly over our house. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera until now. Otherwise, I'd a takin' a few shots.
We just got another f-16 flyover, they had to buzz the game early because of bad weather so I didnt get to see them but very much heard them. It was so low my skull nearly rattled off. They came much lower than they usually do. USA! USA!
Now that would be an interesting site to look at, an f16 - Mirage 2000 dogfight!
Picture taken from the Archangel Airshow last year, source unknown


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My Grandparents lived in Yorkshire, so it was always interesting with the aircraft around there.

There used to be a live fire range out to sea a few miles from their house so A10's on firing dives where fairly common.

Air/Sea rescue Sea Kings, Harriers and once a BAE Lightning.

The three most memorable sightings were :-

whilst out on a drive through a wooded area 2 A10's flew right over the car at about 400ft - incredibly loud.

driving along a road on the North York Moors, 2 Tornados flew along the valley -- below road level

and finally when I was walking down the beach by my grandparents a Vulcan at about 200ft flew over my head - the damn thing crept up behind me, didn't hear it until it was right over head
Yesterday eveneing, a P51 went screaming over my house.

Estimated speed was about 250 mph, altitude about 1000 ft.

Direction of travel was due south.

It sounded beautifull!!!!!!!
I've seen FiFi a bunch of times and each time have made it out to watch her fly out. One weekend a couple years ago I knew FiFi and Diamond Lil were coming in to a local airport, I knew roughly when they'd left and when they were supposed to arrive. I had been mowing the yard and came in for a while to kill some time. I heard something coming over, it was different than the DC-3's you see around here. I ran out and just as soon as I made it out the door I saw FiFi fly directly over my house. I was hollering and jumping up and down. It was great!!
i once had an apache a couple of hundred yards to my left as i was driving home from work his chain gun was following me for a few seconds then switched to the car behind me it was on the A19 north of dishforth nearly crashed cos i was watching to long

Since I work near the Camarillo airport now, I see all kinds of stuff coming in and out. Yesterday, an Aero L-39 Albatross was burning tons of fuel. He must have come in to land at least 6 times! I was on my way out to lunch the other day when the CAF Hellcat was coming in on the short approach and went right over my head with the gear down and low.

Next weekend is the Miramar show, so I will likely see the CAF bird departing for Miramar late next week. I won't be hitting Miramar this year. I am going to Edwards for their big show in 3 weeks.

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