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Never post before your cuppa children!
I'm sure that our most admired ringleaders will correct the boo boo....and put them in the right thread!
And we have a winner in the oops I posted in the wrong thread contest.
Just checked it. Due down in about a day, 2 hours, give or take from now.
The stuff they push on us is garbage because they know we'll buy it - their native material will be a higher quality.Predicted re-entry is some where close to midnight my time. I plan to be outside waiting to see if it re-enters where I can see it. Since virtually everything made in China is crap, why should their rocket be any different? Once they finish their space station, when they use it will it pop like a Chinese inner tube?
Oh boy. More of their unwanted sh!t falling to Earth.They plan to launch 4 more cargo rockets for it this year.
At this site we do not tolerate political discussions so take this as a warningSo glad to know that's what you think. As it happens, living in Houston and having friends in Clear Lake where NASA is, I get to talk to people who actually do orbital mechanics, as it's called, for a living. They think you're wrong. I'm more inclined to think they're right than you, although you're certainly entitled to your apparently heart felt opinion. They think the Chinese are fully capable of doing this, but just don't care and won't spend the monwy. You know, ruthless. Like in Hong Kong. Why are you making excuses for a muderous, even genocidal, totalitarian dictatorship?
Well spoken - political discussions can be done on Facebook, not here.FLYBOYJ
I had noticed earlier posts, but I didn't want to raise the issue because I didn't want the thread shut down. I have no animosity towards Chinese people -- I just wish they'd had a bit more responsibility when launching rockets into space. It's nice to learn from other's mistakes (we made our share too)
And when a space X rocket explodes on take off that is also part of the calculations? The earth rotates such that on the equator you are doing approximately 1000MPH when standing still. Put that with the speed of the decaying orbit of a satellite and I think the idea of control is a nice fantasy.
It is just modern anti China politics that I dont want to get involved in. It is only 22 years ago that a probe to Mars was lost because various teams within the project used different units. A generation ago I was involved in the same nationalistic arguments in my job. There were continuous complaints that "foreign" meaning Japanese companies were "dumping" low quality pipes on the USA market. The fact is that if the USA wants to build a sub sea oil or gas transmission pipeline no USA manufacturer can meet the quality standards only the Japanese and Germans can and I have worked at the factories that do it. I have personal experience of this, on a purchase order I coordinated, placed to US Steel, the tally lost was provided by the forwarding (rail shipment) company, who got some people to walk up the rail wagons writing down the numbers of pipe, length weight, and heat number to make a list. This is behind any QA/QC system used by any aircraft or aero engine manufacturer in WW2. The pipe manufacturer themselves could not provide any record of pipe number to heat number or final length and weight, that says they do not operate any QA/QC system at all, but still demand protection from low quality imports.Two different things! what has a SpaceX rocket exploding got to do with controlling one on landing?
Look, you can say what you like, doesn't change things. They have the technology today to guide rocket pieces to enter the atmosphere and burn up within a given area, they've been able to do it for a while now. Do you know what this is?
View attachment 6224270307 FAST Chevaline
How do you think a space launched vehicle gets to find a point on earth with reasonable accuracy?