Chino pics posted to my website

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Thanks guys. The skies were uncharacteristically clear for Chino, which made for some great photo ops. I'll post a bigger Fuddy Duddy photo for you guys for wallpaper.

That would be awesome Eric, Many thanks in advance. Sounded like a great day for an airshow except for the heat.
Yeah, it was hot, but that is something you get used to, going to airshows out west. As long as you have plenty of sunscreen, lip balm, and water, it's not too bad. Unless you have a low tolerance for heat. Here is a nice big Fuddy Duddy shot for you guys to enjoy for your personal use.


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Thanks again Eric, Yeah for me I would probably drop from the heat. After having heat exhaustion twice. Im not exactly a big fan of heat any more.

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