chronology of U.S.- vietnam relations

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Good post jrk! It's nice to see the accuracy there. It seems that some forget the time line between 1973 and 1975 when South Viet Nam actually stood on it's own 2 feet for a short while.
My brother did 2 tours in Viet Nam. He said it sucked chasing around the Viet Cong as it was like chasing a ghost who rarely showed his face. During the 68 Tet offensive he said he actually felt more comfortable as now they were fighting an opposing army and as history shows militarily the NVA got pummeled during this period, unfortunately it did the opposite in the propaganda war.....
i dont think they should have stopped the continuous bombing by the b-52s

just my opinion.
You're right - Johnson made the US look like fools and for what ever reason, Nixion stretched out the war until right before election time when he did what should of been done in 1965, although there would of been 2 Viet Nams, one of them would of been somewhat of a democrocy...
My brother-in-law in Indonesia made an interesting comment to me about the Vietnam war. In 1966 when Johnson was sending in the troops without an idea on how to win, the anti-communists in Indonesia took care of the problem in that country "the old fashion way"..... they slit the throats of anyone suspected of being a communist.

Something between 50,000-100,000 were executed that way. In my wifes village, he showed me a bridge over a river, that in 1966 there was a "human dam" of sorts from the dead bodies of those communists.

One sidenote.... When the communists were about to be executed, they would scream they were muslims and the koran forbid them from being executed. The local Islamic leaders decided they they would be executed anyway. "Allah" knew who was a true muslim.

I'd say that's effective!!!!!!

DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
Should have bombed them back to tomorrow in my opinion.

What Nixion did in 1972 should of been done in 1965, we would of been in and out of Viet Nam in less than a year - the question is would South Viet Nam been able to stand on her own 2 feet?
What Nixion did in 1972 should of been done in 1965, we would of been in and out of Viet Nam in less than a year - the question is would South Viet Nam been able to stand on her own 2 feet?

good question flyboy.i think there were far too many casualities in the vietnam war.
jrk said:
i think there were far too many casualities in the vietnam war.

I remember the summer of 1968 - I lived closed to a cemertary, there was a funeral a day, you knew when it was a soldier cause you heard Taps being played.

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