Plan_d, youre refering to the Malayan insurgency, which was a totally sepreate conflict. The Malayan insurgency lasted almost 17 years. The British army wrote the book on how to defeat an insurgency during that time. However, there never were any British troops deployed in Indonesia, although on the island of Borneo, there were border clash's.
There were also problems from 1963-1965 with the Sukarno govt causing problems with Malaya. That was more a nationalist conflict (the creation of a pan-malay country). Some communists were involved, but not many.
Indonesia's communist problem had been brewing for two deacades untill the Suharto govt put an quick end to them. In fact, because the commies were dealt with in a brutally effective and quick manner, they didnt last more than 1/2 year (in 1966).
There was a good movie done in the 80's about this period in time in Indonesia..."The Year of Living Dangerously"