Colourised photos of WW2

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The artistry in some of these pics is amazing. Unfortunately, for the modellers among us, colourised photos can be hugely problematic, particularly if they're done well and hence hard to detect. It's frustrating to start down the path of using them as colour references for a model kit only to find later that the colours are actually spurious. That said, there's something about seeing WWII in colour that makes it somehow more real and immediate.
The artistry in some of these pics is amazing. Unfortunately, for the modellers among us, colourised photos can be hugely problematic, particularly if they're done well and hence hard to detect. It's frustrating to start down the path of using them as colour references for a model kit only to find later that the colours are actually spurious. That said, there's something about seeing WWII in colour that makes it somehow more real and immediate.

I think one or two of them were over done.

But still, a lot of work and effort went into making them and they are, overall, excellent.
I think one or two of them were over done.

But still, a lot of work and effort went into making them and they are, overall, excellent.

Concur entirely, Wuzak. Many were obviously colourized but there were some that were really hard for me to identify as such. As technology improves, the ability to discern a true colour image from a colourized one will, I feel, become harder.
I'm not usually a fan of "colorization", but these are quite well done. Being a touch colorblind I don't generally worry too much about the job done unless it is an egregious error, but I didn't see any in here that merit that. Nicely done! AlanG
They were well done for the most part probably quite accurate. Some seemed to be a little under done as there seemed to be a mix of color with black and white in one or two of them.

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