Comparative Aircraft Size Dimensions...

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This is the beginning of a possibly HUGE endeavor on the part of our members to establish a viable learning tool for those less intune with the fine aircraft of World War 2....

What we'll attempt here for a very early beginning is to post pictures of ur models in comparison shots, from some general angles....

Lets see what we can come up with....


  • camera angles.jpg
    36.6 KB · Views: 257
Cool shots Dan 8) (Love that 109!) We'll have to 'ban' certain kits though, remember my 1/48 Fujimi 190? It was smaller than the 1/48 Revell 109!
Good start Dan. This is the trials for the virtual 'museum' idea right?
I'll get some shots together over the weekend, showing a mix of types from WW2, and a couple of their successors. That is, if the weather's ok, as I'll need to shoot outdoors to have the space required.
Got some shots comparing a Corsair and a Zeke at the weekend, haven't uploaded them to my laptop yet so I don't know how good they'll be. Also took a couple of shots of the Zeke and a Mitsubishi T-2 (WW2 v's Modern). Will post them later.
Good stuff keith. I haven't got anything done yet, every time I try to set-up outsode, the bl**dy weather changes! It's been blistering hot today, but I didn't get a chance to do anything - hopefully in the next few days!
Same here Terry, it was starting to rain when I was taking these pics, doesn't matter as they're crap anyway! I need a photo booth set up and a decent camera. Here's the best of a bad bunch.


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