Concerts you will be attending this year.

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Accept just is not the same with Udo for me. Saw Udo a few years ago the last time and he played a lot of the old Accept songs. Closed out with Balls to the Wall and everything.
2 weeks ago we went and saw Roger Waters in Duesseldorf. Absolutely amazing show, best I have ever seen!

Tomorrow me and the wife will be heading up to Gelsenkirchen to see Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax. Will be a great time as usual.
Don't know if this counts but every Tues night in the summer a venue in Lewiston NY has an outdoor concert on the US side of the river , some friends and myself head for the banks of the Canadian side of the river do some fishing and listen to concert , tonight is Lynyrd Sknyrd next week is ZZTop . you can the venue in the white tent , the best is its free , no crossing border and usually catch a few fish


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My bro and I have tickets to see "The Who" in November...I know that its not "really" the "Who" (in complete), but I enjoy seeing Pete (when he is on his game), and Roger always gives it his all. Besides that...I believe that they are doing Quadrophenia in its whole.
Got tickets for:

Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival - July 27th (Rob Zombie, Amon Amarth, Five Finger Death Punch, Mastodon, Machine Head, Children of Bodom, and many more...)

Eagles - October 21st

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