Converting a T33 into an F94, is that reasonable?

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Senior Airman
Dec 19, 2009
Leeds, Yorkshire, UK
I've got hold of a T33A in 1:48, and would like to convert it into a F94A 'Starfire' night fighter. The same wings and mostly the same fuselage were used in the F94, the main external differences seem to be a newly shaped nose to house the radar, with four instead of two gun ports, and a larger rear fuselage for the more powerful engine that was used on the F94.


If anyone has some in depth knowledge on these Korean War legends, I'd be pleased to get any advice on any other external differences.
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If there is not offered any kit for the night fighter F94A it is reasonable. But you have to know that there might be a lot of work on the model ahead you.I'm sure a few parts will have to be scrtch-built.Also some changes to the fuselage can make the matter a little difficult.
The best solution of finding out what you have to change is to find drowings of both planes firstly and comapare them both. You will see what you have to do.
It should be a reasonably straightforward conversion. The extended nose could either be heat moulded (as for canopies) or carved from balsa, fitted, and then blended-in with Milliput, with the latter used for the radome cone and other shape detail.
The rear fuselage extension could be made by either a balsa plug, again 'cleaned up' with Milliput, or an internal balsa or similar dowel, which could then be 'skinned' in plastic sheet to match the fuselage profile/outer surface, and again blended-in with Milliput. It's not as tricky as it sounds, and I've done a few conversions this way, in 1/48th and 1/32nd scales.
Thanks chaps. I've done a bit of this kind of thing and have got a fair bit of practice recently with blending smooth surfaces wtih miliput. I think as Wurger suggests some time will be required to do a bit of research for the correct details, but it should be an interesting challenge.
I think I might have some scale plans of the F94 buried around my dugout somewhere, and probably the T33 also. I'll let you know if I come up with anything.
The picture you have seems to be a F-94B. I seem to remember that Hobbycraft put out a model of a F-94A in 1/48th. It might make for a simpler conversion if you can get your hands on one. Possibly just reshaping the nose.
Hope this helps.
"Shooting Star T-Bird Starfire" by Rhodes Arnold 1981


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I know this might not help much but I think Lindberg makes a F-94C kit as well. Although it is an old kit of the extensively redesigned "C" model, I think you could possibly get something out of it....any way its probably pretty cheap too. Thats just my two cents
If you can borrow it, "P-80 Shooting Star T-33/F-94 in action" by Squadron - there are some great pics and drawings in it.

If there is something specific you need I can scan a few pages for you.
I scanned a couple of pages out of the book mentioned in the prior post. It shows the F-94 compared to the F-80. I think it might be a little more challanging due to the size difference.

The pic is a smaller version of the .pdf file


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Nice work. Caution though, the drawings in Squadron books are not always to the same scale, or exact scale.

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