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That is freakin cool! Actually, CC, I believe that is real. You use a lightwight foam construction. It's weighs next to nothing, but is strong as hell and flexible too. Put enough horsepower behind it, you can make anything fly. "There's nor replacement for displacement"!
Edited footage, Cleverly arranged stunts...

If they are real, I dont understand how theyre on the water fine one second, then suddenly take off? Almost liek the aerodynamics suddenly changing...still a bit fishy to me...
yes but it's normally obvious if it's computer graphics, this was obviously done with a home camera and a simple editing program, if they did edit that in, they're bloody brilliant at it, they've got the water ripples and everything..............

and CC, a plane will remain on the ground untill it's given enough power, once it's got a cirtain ammount of power, it will take off, think of what they're doing in the water as taxying (i dunno how it's spelt!!).........
the lancaster kicks ass said:
yes but it's normally obvious if it's computer graphics, this was obviously done with a home camera and a simple editing program, if they did edit that in, they're bloody brilliant at it, they've got the water ripples and everything..............

They probably filmed the water scenes and edited in the flying, if it is indeed edited. I believe it could be real.

They dont change speed at all though, they go up to speed very quckly, then piss about on the water for a while, then they just randoml take off!
Have you ever seen one of the real boats become airborn after hitting a wave? They get up there. Now, change the motor configuration in your model and add some control surfaces and you have a flying boat. Especially with the lightweight foam they have today. They made a freaking lawnmower fly, the hydrofoil boat should be a snap next to that.

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