I think that's his goal.By the way you are not calculating your fatality rates correctly. I am sure you are fully aware of that though. Its the great thing about statistics. Everyone (and I mean everyone) manipulates them to support their agenda.
Non-vaccinated actually have a fatality rate of 1.11%, partially vaccinated have a fatality rate of 0.08% and fully vaccinated have a fatality rate of 0.02%.
To portray this correctly you have you divide the number of cases (63 for vaccinated for example) and divide it by the total cases (403,668). That gives you the actual fatality rate.
What you are portraying shows the rate for each group, but not the overall actual rate. This falsely makes it appear as if vaccinated people are dying more than unvaccinated which is "fake news". This is a classic example of manipulating statistics. Some call it "alternative facts". I think we have had enough misinformation though…
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics.