Covid-19 reports

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Except there is plenty of evidence that they do help...

Explaining it only causes more denial.
Ah show me where they significantly slowed the infection rate.

Please explain how such proof could be obtained? Mask mandates are typically imposed at the national level so it's impossible to "prove" what might have happened within a country without a mask mandate. It's also clear that the different strains of the virus have different impacts so, again, rather hard to provide objective analysis by comparing different countries given differing infection rates and lethalities of different strains.

edit: Or maybe better not. I'm not going to be drawn in again.

I tend to agree. No minds are going to be changed.
Please explain how such proof could be obtained?
There are quite a number of publications from Danish and German groups that don't show any significant effect and when it does show effect, it's always after other measurements are taken. Here in the Netherlands, we have to wear masks since September, when numbers were growing again. The weeks after that, the infections skyrocketed. Not saying that this was caused by wearing masks, but they didn't slow it down by any means. Only got manageable again after starting a full lockdown in December.

but not I'm discussing again which I promised myself I wouldn't do. As you say, everybody has their mind set, so I'm not bothered to look up the publications as it serves no purpose than to start fights like it did last year.
Italy report, 14th February, weekly changes
cases 2,721,879 +85,141, deaths 93,577 +2,304, recovered 2,225,519, +107,078, active cases 402,783, -24,241, tests 32,739,071, +967,250, people tested 18,309,474, +607,369, vaccines administered 2,986,864, +439,951, people full vaccinated 1,281,768, +157,933.
fatality rate 3.4% (-0.1)
mortality rate 1,551 per million (+38)
test rate 542.8 per thousand (+16.1)
positive rate 14.9% (=)
vaccines on population 49,519 per million (+7,294)
people full vaccinated 21,251 per million (+2,619)
test rate this week 16,036 per million (+593)
positive rate this week 14% (+2)
new case rate this week 1,412 per million (+24)
new vaccines this week 7,294 per million (-2,857)
people full vaccinated this week 2,618 per million (-6,152)

And there are plenty of publications that say the opposite of your view. But no point in bothering with that either. Everyone has already picked and chosen whats worth believing and what isn't.

The worst part of this pandemic? It has shown how far removed we are as a society of carrying out adult conversations and debate. That's the real reason there is no point to this.
Italy report, 21st February, weekly changes
cases 2,809,246 +87,367, deaths 95,718 +2,141, recovered 2,324,633, +99,114, active cases 388,895, -13,888, tests 33,746,297, +1,007,226, people tested 18,939,451, +629,977, vaccines administered 3,497,825, +510,961, people full vaccinated 1,330,054, +48,286.
fatality rate 3.4% (=)
mortality rate 1,587 per million (+36)
test rate 559.5 per thousand (+16.7)
positive rate 14.8% (-0.1)
vaccines on population 57,991 per million (+8,472)
people full vaccinated 22,051 per million (+800)
test rate this week 16,699 per million (+663)
positive rate this week 13.9% (-0.1)
new case rate this week 1,448 per million (+36)
new vaccines this week 8,471 per million (+1,177)
people full vaccinated this week 801 per million (-1,817)

my town total cases at 14th February: 104
Italy report, 28th February, weekly changes
cases 2,925,265 +116,019, deaths 97,699 +1,981, recovered 2,405,199, +80,566, active cases 422,367, +33,472, tests 34,833,703, +1,087,406, people tested 19,618,332, +678,881, vaccines administered 4,283,925, +786,100, people full vaccinated 1,398,786, +68,732.
fatality rate 3.3% (-0.1)
mortality rate 1,620 per million (+33)
test rate 577.5 per thousand (+18)
positive rate 14.9% (+0.1)
vaccines on population 71,024 per million (+13,033)
people full vaccinated 23,191 per million (+1,140)
test rate this week 18,028 per million (+1,329)
positive rate this week 17.1% (+3.2)
new case rate this week 1,923 per million (+475)
new vaccines this week 13,033 per million (+4,562)
people full vaccinated this week 1,140 per million (+339)

my town active cases at 28th February: 8
Just learned that one of my friends is in hospital in ICU on oxygen with Covid and already has been for over a week. He's a healthy, young guy, just over 40. It's a wakeup call. I realisethat we were lucky with my son having covid last week and us not getting it.
I hope we didn't loose any forum members from this horrible virus. Stay save guys!
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I'm sorry about your friend. More young healthy people are affected by this than many of us want to admit.

I hope he pulls through.
Vaccine update.

Had vaccine on Thursday with no ill effects.

2am Friday morning woke up hot like the heating was on with a headache.

8am minor flu symptoms. Had temperature and headache. Took 2 Paracetamol but felt feverish all morning.

1230pm 2 more paracetamol as still had headache and fever.

1900 felt fine. No need for more paracetamol.

Saturday morning sound as a pound. No ill effects but my left arm still feels a bit sore so not badly so. So seem to be over it. Was able to perform my exercise regime without issue.

My recommendation is anyone who has the vaccine is to clear his schedule next day. Take day off work coz it may getcha.
Had the Pfizer first shot Jan 13 in left arm. No effect till third day when the arm at shot site began to be sore. Felt like in school when a kid punched your arm. Soreness gone by fifth day, no other noticeable symptoms. Second shot Feb 3 in right arm and nothing to notice at all. When I was contacted about getting vaccinated, asked what type and if MRNA base because of this thread and Marcel's input. When they said Pfizer was MRNA based, i said OK. I am 80 and still no effects from the shots.
Yeah but I'm 47 and in good health.

Horse of a man.

I can genuinely see a poor health older guy having issues here. An old guy bud says his older guy buds have taken a few knocks with it.

My issue is that I didn't turn into a mutant or super hero.

Damn comics lied to me!
Italy report, 7th March, weekly changes
cases 3,067,486 +142,221, deaths 99,785 +2,086, recovered 2,494,839, +89,640, active cases 472,862, +50,495, tests 36,013,136, +1,179,433, people tested 20,375,964, +757,632, vaccines administered 5,403,468, +1,119,543, people full vaccinated 1,649,883, +251,097.
fatality rate 3.3% (=)
mortality rate 1,654 per million (+34)
test rate 597.1 per thousand (+19.6)
positive rate 15.1% (+0.2)
vaccines on population 89,584 per million (+18,560)
people full vaccinated 27,354 per million (+4,163)
test rate this week 19,554 per million (+1,526)
positive rate this week 18.8% (+1.7)
new case rate this week 2,358 per million (+435)
new vaccines this week 18,561 per million (+5,528)
people full vaccinated this week 4,163 per million (+3,023)

now the B.1.1.7 is the most common variant

Total Covid deaths in my town go up to 7 (+3 today).
My County became red zone from midnight
Age breakdown of COVID deaths in Italy from start of pandemic through March 10th, 2021:

0-9 years = ..............10
10-19 years = .........14
20-29 years = .........52
30-39 years = .......189
40-49 years = .......835
50-59 years = ...3,219
60-69 years = ...9,373
70-79 years = .24,121
80-89 years = .41,430
90+ years = .....20,365

1.45 times more persons aged 90+ have died (20,365) than have all those aged 0-69 combined (13.692). Those under 60 years of age comprise 70.8% of Italy's population and 71.4% of all virus cases but only 4.3% of the deaths (and three-quarters of those are in the 50-59 age bracket).

Calculated all-case survival/recovery rate by age group:

0-9 years = .....99.993%
10-19 years = 99.995%
20-29 years = 99.994%
30-39 years = 99.986%
40-49 years = 99.951%
50-59 years = 99.410%
60-69 years = 97.279%
70-79 years = 90.560%
80-89 years = 80.225%
90+ years = ....73.250%

See Table 5 on page 24 of the following PDF (in Italian):
COVID-19 epidemic 10th March 2021 national update

Percentage of virus deaths which had no comorbidities according to an examination of 6,707 clinical charts of deceased patients.

16-59 years = ..10.2% (49 out of 479)
60-69 years = ....6.2% (42 out of 676)
70-79 years = ....3.1% (51 out of 1,664)
80+ years = ........1.6% (64 out of 3,888)

See Table 4 on page 6 of the following PDF:
Characteristics of COVID-19 patients dying in Italy Report based on available data on 1st March, 2021
Italy report, 14th March, weekly changes
cases 3,223,142 +155,656, deaths 102,145 +2,360, recovered 2,589,731, +94,892, active cases 531,266, +58,404, tests 37,275,176, +1,262,040, people tested 21,138,014, +762,050, vaccines administered 6,701,164, +1,297,696, people full vaccinated 1,999,500, +349,617.
fatality rate 3.2% (-0.1)
mortality rate 1,693 per million (+39)
test rate 618 per thousand (+20.9)
positive rate 15.2% (+0.1)
vaccines on population 111,099 per million (+21,515)
people full vaccinated 33,150 per million (+5,796)
test rate this week 20,923 per million (+1,369)
positive rate this week 20.4% (+1.6)
new case rate this week 2,581 per million (+223)
new vaccines this week 21,515 per million (+2,954)
people full vaccinated this week 5,796 per million (+1,633)

ever we never go out from the 2nd wave we are started a 3rd wave or only the effect of the B.1.1.7

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