Crazy Ass Dora 9 Camo Job.... Anyone Know This Pic???

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BTW Do you know guys that on condoms there are serial numbers?


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Wurger, those are pics of FE 121 from those websites. If you check them out There is a couple reports of 121 in Allied hands - testing and crash. Cool stuff.
To get back on topic, the swastika is not authentic either. It seems to me that it was painted in British markings and then again in Luftwaffe ones for the airshow.
I hope I understood what you meant.
Do you know or remember the Orson Welles' radio broadcast in 30's when there was broadcasting H. G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds".
This caused a panic in New Jersey because people though it was true.
In the same way the captured enemy plane could be conceived.

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