Staff Sergeant
Also I think that the US Bombers played a role. They were needed to destroy some areas in advance. Also having fighters and bombers meant that you had the Flak-88 and other mobile anti-air artillery focusing on the air rather than on infantry. You have to remember that very few of the Allied tanks came through from the water for various reasons. Therefore the Allied forces were relying on the bombardment of the navy as well as airforce help. As it was though, Omaha beach was a close-run thing with the Germans. The Germans had had the chance to dig in and build fortifications. The fighters if they weren't bombing were useful for suggesting targets through radio to the navy. I really do wonder about whether the airforce role in D-Day was played down. We rarely hear about the airforce doing any damage on that day. I would like to know what damage the airforce really did do in this major amphibious landing.