Daks over Duxford.

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This penultimate post shows the final flying sequence of the day, when the American fighters took to the now dismal, damp sky, with a formation made up of a RAF Mustang, USAAF, P-47 and P-51 and the RN Wild.... Wil..... Martlet !
After a couple of passes as a complete formation, the Martlet put on a solo display, before the remaining threesome closed with a few more passes.
As can be seen in the photos, the weather really had deteriorated, with rain and cloud almost obscuring the aircraft at times.
Again, all credit to the pilots for their performance in these miserable conditions.

I'll sort a few 'abstract' shots to close my contribution to this event - back soon.

Thanks Andy.

I'll end with a few 'abstract' shots, and perhaps Garry (Geedee) will add some of his when he has time, although I understand he lost 1700 pics when a memory card went t*ts up !
Thanks to all who 'looked in', and I hope you enjoyed this limited look at a cold and wet 'Daks over Duxford'.
My thanks again to 'The D-Day Squadron', the organisers of the Duxford event, and, of course, the pilots and crews who braved the weather to make this possible.
Next event should be 'Legends' in July, when I'll hopefully post more 'warbird' pics.

Ah, those flimsy spitfires again.

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