Islam was spread by the
sword. The expansion from the emergence of the prophet to the reach of the converted within his lifetime is unbelievable - akin to Alexander the Great. And upon his death, Islam immediately went into schism mode (Shia-Sunni). There is no tolerance of any kind in Islam. People marvel at the glorious days of the Caliphate in Spain - Jews, Moslems, Christians all drinking tea together and writing poetry ...
. Tolerance in Islam is achieved through a state of Dhimmitude - non believers are allowed to "function" in Islamic society as long as they know their place (Dhimmi) and pay their "special" taxes and levies.
Now - not to be controversial but simply for historical perspective - compare the trajectory of the Islamic religion to the trajectory of Christianity. Christ died before the faith had really taken "hold". The Faith was outlawed by the Roman Empire for
313 years until adapted by Emperor Constantine and made the official religion of the Empire.
In the centuries that followed, Roman Christianity has many many schisms, splits, scandals etc. etc. The 100 Years War in Europe - a ghastly affair by any standards - was a Christian religious war ( a war which BTW planted the seeds of hatred in protestant Germany for the interference in Germanic matters of faith by a very Catholic France) ...we know where that led ......
So Christianity's record is hardly pure ..... BUT ..... it has been
evolving since its earliest days as an underground movement throughout the Empire.
Islam is
frozen .... there is this huge dichotomy between someone having an advanced engineering degree (for example) from western universities and yet being spiritually comfortable blowing up innocent civillians in an airplane or on a train or an embassy. That kind of mental-moral compartmentalization suggests an inability to cope with the modern world which is complex, chock full of irrational ironies, contrasts, outrages, insults, indecencies and cartoons.
Engineering doesn't necessarily equip one to see the
whole picture (morally, culturally, whatever) ..... to cope with reality as it is, not what some might like it to be.
But this very simplification of life - along with strict rules on how to live that life - was one of the contributing factors to Islam's phenomenal trajectory .... just as Christianity's "joyous, cheerful meekness" allowed it to thrive underground.
Modern weapons in 5th century hands is a dangerous combination. Time to pray.
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