Damn Shame This .... Time to Get Out ..?

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Thoughtful on the events in Gaza and the M.E. generally ..... this isn't politics or religion ... it's common sense.

treppenwitz: Surrender or Die!

"War is cruelty. There is no use in trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over."

~William Tecumseh Sherman~

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You Do What You Have To Do ... or perish

The takeoff from Sharm was one of the heaviest ever in the history of this airplane [C-130]. I didn't have a clue what would happen.

The aircraft was crowded. I was carrying the Sayeret Matkal assault team ….. I was also carrying a Mercedes, which was supposed to confuse Ugandan soldiers at the airport, because Idi Amin, the country's dictator, had the same car. And I also found room to pack Land Rovers and a paratrooper force.

I gave the plane maximum power, and it was just taxiing, not accelerating. At the very end of the runway, I was probably two knots over the stall speed, and I had to lift off. I took off to the north, but had to turn south where our destination was. I couldn't make the turn until I gained more speed. Just making that turn, I was struggling to keep control, but you know, airplanes have feelings, [ ] and all turned out well.

Rescue at Entebbe: An Interview With the Chief Pilot • IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces

Remember - nobody does it better.

2013 will be an interesting year, IMHO. The very best of health and luck and happiness - to All.

Grateful Canadian
With Us or Against Us

Saudi Prince denies this story:

Saudi jets

There are those who believe that the much-needed reform/revolution in the Islamic World has to start in Saudi - Mecca, to be exact - where the whole show first got started.


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France takes up the point in the war against Al Qaeda in Africa ....

Mali: French airstrikes hit city of Gao | World | News | National Post

They have much to lose with their huge African population at home, if they lose. But France likes wars like this - sad to say - it reminds them that they were once Empire.

Good luck, France, the West needs all the resources and courage it can collectively muster.

Proud Canadian
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The Game's changing ...... throughout the Islamic World ..... Time to butt out ...?

6 Harrier jets destroyed, 2 damaged in Taliban assault on Camp Bastion - The Long War Journal

Proud Canadian

Unfortunately you can't get out. The playbook has already been written and the outcome defined. One has to broaden their perspectives to the bigger picture.

Eph 6:12 Because our conflict is not barely with flesh and blood, but against the principalities and the powers; against the rulers of this dark age, against the spiritual [assaults] of the wickedness in the heavenly dispensation;

For those which are interested, if you compare Islamic and Christian Eschatology you will find more than a dozen parallels between the two except the ending. And those comparisons are eerily similar coming from two completely separate religions diametrically opposed to each other in fundamental beliefs.

I also believe that the martyrs will be getting 72 Sultana Raisins but I hope they like them roasted.
The whole "You must die because you don't believe in my invisible friend" concept is repugnant and not worthy of the 21st century. It is long past time to abandon iron-age mythologies. The idea that a "creator of the universe" would favor one group of smelly nomads over another is hardly the way to govern your life and actions.
"... The playbook has already been written and the outcome defined"

I believe in Free Will, kreighund.


I'm with you 100% and that is how it is meant to be.

However consider this, are we created? If so are we accountable to that creator? If He has the ability to create us he has the get a message to us but it has to be in a way not to abrogate our free will.

Christians have no right to force any belief on anyone only share the good news. And that is by the book, I don't care what denominations do. After that you have that Ripley's moment.

Look at my location, I have already been informed once they take over the world it is accept their way or I go the way or the sword.

You have your right to determine your life and the Bible makes that plain.

Sorry didn't mean to preach but you need to know where I come from.
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