Dancing Cop: lolllllll

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OK, I can't open YouTube where I am but I would think posting video of the Village People would be enough to get someone banned for a day or two;)
:lol: most funny is see they recorded that video inside a real navy ship with real sailors


and btw i dont wanna know nothing about self-repressed thing here ok ? i just posted this vid. to make the people give some laughts, its not about incentivates nobody comes out from closet, or anything like that !

each ones have your "periquita", each one know what to do with that !

:lol: :lol: :lol:
i dont understand why thor complained. he would be familiarized to see weird things like that since a long time ago:

I wasn't complaining, thus the smiley face at the end of my sentence. But if your going to show someone shaking their money maker, it better be a woman.
Jug. Its gay. Face it.


  • Woof.jpg
    38.6 KB · Views: 105
Jug. Its gay. Face it.

matt one thing is a cop making a gay dance to mess with the police authority, other thing is show "in the navy" to mess with the guys from armed forces, but i think you go too far...

whatta hell is that ? a japanese batman robin with darth vader with borat ? lollll

you scary me man.
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