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Mosquito T MkIII VT589 Z-OT DH98 Mosquito FB Mk VI converted to trainer Colour yellow DeHavilland Mosquito FB MK VI 167%_AV.

540 Squadron Royal Air Force (540 Sqn RAF)
Mosquito VT589/Z: Took off for a local flight. 24/04/1951
but on the take off run, a violent swing to port developed and the undercarriage collapsed.
W/Cdr (39005) Hughie Idwal EDWARDS DFC (pilot) RAF - Ok
W/Cdr (????) ABRAHAMS (pilot) RAF - Ok
Written off

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Mosquito TT MK35 RS719 was originally an Airspeed-built Mosquito B35 ML Type G winch

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NF MK36 RL247

de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito NF Mk 36
Owner/operator:228 Operational Conversion Unit Royal Air Force (228 OCU RAF)
Registration: RL247
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location:nr Theakston, 1mile SSW of RAF stn Leeming, North Yorkshire, England. - United Kingdom
Phase: Approach
Departure airport:RAF Leeming, North Yorkshire
Destination airport:RAF Leeming
Mosquito RL247: Took off for a Training flight 15/03/1949
Engine cut on approach, force landed near Theakston, 1 mile SSW of RAF Leeming. The cause of the accident was that the Pilot had failed to transfer fuel from the outer to the inner fuel tanks and the engine was starved of fuel. The aircraft forced landed short of the runway at RAF Leeming, and was badly damaged.
Crew: ???? Ok

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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
MK6 NS960 UP-M No. 605 Squadron Intruder RAF cat B damage 18-07-1944 Tuesday

Looks like it was near a V-1 that blew up.

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Mosquito T MkIII VT589 Z-OT DH98 Mosquito FB Mk VI converted to trainer Colour yellow DeHavilland Mosquito FB MK VI 167%_AV.

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captured beute

de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito PR Mk IV
Owner/operator:540 Sqn RAF
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Aircraft damage:Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location:Plage des Rosaires beach at Plérin, Côtes-d'Armor département. - France
Phase:En route
Departure airport:RAF Benson, Oxfordshire
Destination airport:
Mosquito DZ466: Took off at 10:10 hrs for PR mission to Paris area. 20/02/1943
On during his return he made a forced landing on the beach near St.Brieuc.
The only captured Mosquito DZ466 / T9+XB.
F/O (101.512 ) Wilfrid Lane PAYNE (pilot) RAFVR - POW
Sgt (1253865) Arthur John KENT (obs) RAFVR - POW

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