Desert Warhawk status?

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Senior Airman
Sep 28, 2009
I was wondering if anyone has heard of any developments in the British Warhawk found in the Egyptian desert back in May of 2013.
The last I heard was that it had been vandalized after being found and since dismantled and put in storage by the Egyptian government. Has the Canadian Govt. been able to get anywhere in negotiations?
I certainly don't want this A/C to be treated like the B-24 'Lady Be Good'.
Here's the latest....:|

That's sadly a lost P-40. It might as well stayed in the desert and continue to have a dignified resting place.
What is disturbing is the potential that the aircraft had to pay respect to its fallen pilot had it gotten to the right hands, the hands of folks who truly care.
Wheels off a cart.... What a pity!

I saw this elsewhere recently, and I think it's disgusting and dishonourable.
Putting aside the fact that the aircraft is not the property of the Egyptian Government, and technically still belongs to the USA, but could technically belong to the UK if 'bought' or on Lend lease, it is now displayed as if it had been in Egyptian service, probably giving the impression that it was so at the time of its loss.
Then there is the fact that this valuable and historic relic has been 'cobbled together' and re-painted, without any thought for it's value as an aircraft showing the original fittings and paint scheme etc, thereby destroying forever the 'time capsule' that this airframe presented.
And worse, it is now displayed without any thought for the loss of the pilot, being a dishonour to his service and memory.
I understand that there had been ongoing negotiations, at Diplomatic level and above, to get this aircraft back to the UK, and that the Egyptian authorities had been 'stalling', stating that the remains were in storage, but not releasing information as to where or how stored.
Seems some less than truthful stuff has been going on here.
What's the source of those pictures? Hoping theres a chance it's not the same aircraft although that engine makes me think its the same one.

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