DH Mosquito

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Sep 30, 2009
I have an excellent overview of "Exploring the Lancaster" on CD roms published by Flyingzone Publications circa 2005.
There was a similar product regarding the Mosquito, but it seems to be sold out and not available.
Are there any recent publications for computers with an exploration of the Mosquito?
The DVD you are referring to is called "The Mosquito Explored" but I'm getting no hits on Google. I'm not aware of any recent digital publications of a similar nature but that does not preclude the possibility.
I've found one which gives a good exploring of all the details of the Mosquito. However, it seems to be a program for Flight Simulator. At justflight.com
Kermit Weeks does a nice tour here and it's free. 3 parts.

"I bought this for my thirtieth birthday" I hate this man already 🤣 I think I got a book token for my thirtieth 🤔.

Great series of videos. There's a lot of videos about Mosquito try Duke video publishing I am fairly sure they did a Mossie video a few years ago.
"I bought this for my thirtieth birthday" I hate this man already 🤣 I think I got a book token for my thirtieth 🤔

I hear you and agree. That and a couple of digs at the British knock this video down the scale a few notches but it's still a rather unique look through a living Mosquito. Some of his commentary needs to be taken with a grain of salt as well as he's obviously ad libing.
My best friend and I agreed that Kermit knew what to do with his Daddy's money. As far as promoting one's own nationality, in the comedy movie "The Mouse on the Moon", the British TV announcer, while briefly mentioning the Russian and American contributions goes on considerably about the British wristwatch worn by the scientist. Both movies, the former and "The Mouse that Roared" are excellent satires of the 1960 world politics.
I liked "The Mouse That Roared" (Wibberly(?)) movie. The international news goes on about the Duchy of Grand Fenwick's successful U.S. invasion. The American network, unaware of being invaded, announced baseball scores.
The Mouse on the Moon story is when the Grand Duchey is discovered (they always voted last at the UN and were overlooked) they decided to go to war with the US, surrender and get foreign aid. The M. on the M. is the result of the world powers gifts for an alliance (votes at the UN). The Russians send an ICBM which is used in the palace for a waterheater. Naturally the US tries to do better. Great satire about world influence. A good movie for a Covid day.
..and it's Pearl HARBOR.

Right you are, my man. When I write my articles, although in a 'British spelling' country I always use the US spelling when referring to American stuff, like Harbor, or Defense, or tomato, but academically, when researching and writing a paper, the instruction is that US spellings are considered spelling mistakes and marks are deducted!
Right you are, my man. When I write my articles, although in a 'British spelling' country I always use the US spelling when referring to American stuff, like Harbor, or Defense, or tomato, but academically, when researching and writing a paper, the instruction is that US spellings are considered spelling mistakes and marks are deducted!
Well don't that beat all.
Right you are, my man. When I write my articles, although in a 'British spelling' country I always use the US spelling when referring to American stuff, like Harbor, or Defense, or tomato, but academically, when researching and writing a paper, the instruction is that US spellings are considered spelling mistakes and marks are deducted!
Well that sounds like a "Murica" thing. Oh wait...

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