Do You Have an Illogical Hatred of an Aircraft?

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Yes! Just like their cars.


Just because the Ciroen CV2 is built like a shed on wheels - doesn't mean French cars are ugly!

Indeed, since the mid-eighties Peugeots (with the advent of the 205 and its successors), and Renault brought French chic to their car industry.
I would also like to add the Breguet 690 series, one of the most attractive looking aircraft of the war.

I think it would be more accurrate to say that the French bombers of the mid 30's were ugly. I tried to find an exception to that, but couldn't

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Getting way off topic now, but here you go:

**** looking French cars:
Renault Scénic
Renault Laguna (the 2008 Renault Laguna Coup does not look bad though)
Renault Espace
Renault Vel Satis
Renault Modus
Renault Kangoo
Renault Avantime
Renault 4
Citroën AX
Citroën BX
Citroën C15
Citroën XM (very very ugly...)
Citroën Nemo
Citroën Berlingo
Citroën Elysée
Citroën C-Métisse
Citroën C-Buggy
GT by Citroën
Peugeot 104
Peugeot 305
Peugeot 306
Peugeot 308
Peugeot 309
Peugeot 404
Peugeot 504
Peugeot 505
Peugeot 4002
Peugeot Quark

**** looking planes:
Amiot 143
Amiot 354
Bloch MB.131
Bloch MB.200 (this one is an abortion that failed)
Bloch MB.210 (another failed abortion)
Breguet 693
Farman F.220
Loire-Nieuport LN.401
Potez 540 (another failed abortion)
Blériot 110
Dewoitine D.33
I Don't like Corsairs and It has nothing to do with it's wings. I just never cared for it. I never cared for the
Mosquito. I Don't like the Mustang either but, I don't hate any of them I think they're all outstanding planes
I think I dislike the Mustang because it outflew the Luftwaffe's planes.....Except the Me-262
I'm far from being the expert that you folks are so maybe I'm all wrong about the Mustang
I think R J Mitchell said it first, it was his entire philosophy, though you wouldn't think so to look at the Walrus.

You aren't wrong - except the FW 190D series and the Ta 152 were very competitive as the Me 109K.
French cars are cool BTW. Look at the Caravelle or the Mirage III. That is some nice machinery.

The aircraft which I don't get is the Bf 109.

Really really don't like it. Obvious flaws never fixed.

Not saying good/bad but don't like it.

Grumman Wildcat...don't like.
which flaws do you mean? just curious.
Narrow cockpit
Bathtub for a canopy
Poor visibility
controls freezing at high speed.
I know that at certain parts of the air war that the 109 could be considered one of the best but would you choose it in 1944?

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