<> **** DONE: 1/32 Sopwith Camel F.1 - WW1 / WW2 over Water.

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long weekend and Ive made some progress. So far I have:

1) fitted ammunit belts (one loaded, one empty to the guns to help fill the void space between them. Looks okay I think

2) scratch built and fitted fuel and oil filler caps, using some of those bezels I purchased a month or so ago and fashioning the filler caps using soft solder rod. Fit looked okay at normal magnification, but with the close up photography fit is really poor...d *mn, but I'm not going to worry about it because even though its in full view, you cant see it.

3) I fashioned cockpit padding out of ultra fine black electrical wire, which I scrounged from an old RC micro copter sitting at the back of the workshop. Wurgers method basically. Pretty happy with it.

4) Painted the footstep aluminium and grey centres

5) retouched the cowling and some parts of the green fuselage and wings where I had hoofed a couple of spots during the retouching operation

Thanks guys. Currently in the process of putting the struts and upper wing. Is very tricky as this stage in nearly every biplane build is. keeping everthing level, making sure the struts are in the right positions at the right spacing and at the right angles, making sure gthe wings are parallel in both dimensions......there is a lot to watch out, plus I need to get it done as neatly but strongly as I can make it. I struggle a bit with this stage, and I am yet to find an easy way of doing it. .

Will post the photos soon I hope
Upeer wing and spars installed. There were issues for this element, mostly with alignments and just getting the spars bedded in strong enough to take the weight pf the upper wing.

Should be strong enough now but there is a bit of cleanup to do. I had to use a larger amount of CA than I had planned . Have a clear path now to the end game now though.

Coming together nicely Michael.
I've been thinking of soing a Camel in 1/32nd scale, and a SE5 too.
Last WW1 aircraft I completed, was the old Revell 1/28th scale Camel, back in the mid 1960's !!
Coming together nicely Michael.
I've been thinking of soing a Camel in 1/32nd scale, and a SE5 too.
Last WW1 aircraft I completed, was the old Revell 1/28th scale Camel, back in the mid 1960's !!

Id would recommend this academy kit. its not the snazziest available, but from what ive seen, it has the essentials right. everything fits, its quite strong, the rigging plan is manageable.

The innards are very weal the wing ribbing overemphasised and the fuel filler cap is on the wrong side. Not big issues in my opinion. it Iooks terrific, and has plenty of scope for modifications if that's your thing....
Sorry for the very long delay friends, but I wanted to get the rigging elements more or less finished before posting again. This is the first time Ive attempted a WWI biplane, and the general rogness does show up. Neither did I opt for anything too ambitious, just the oversize tensioner over the cockpit which proved a major pain in the a*se.

But its basically done now . still have decaling to do and some tidy up. the rear tail rigging is not complete, awaiting the decals .

I have a problem over the main upper wing. The elevator lines are going to obstruct the large roundels that go with this model. I agonised over that....should I have applied the decal first? Either way has difficulties......im opting to cut the decal and join them from either side of the rigging. Might put a base coat of white under the decal position first, but its a major hurdle, so not done yet....


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