I attatched the stabilizers and had a rude moment when test fitting the gear and found that she promply sat on her tail!
So I pried off one of the flaps and poured in lead shot. Now, heres the thing, the shot piles up about an inch or so from the small slit that is the opening. How to secure it? White glue! Brilliant!
Not Quite. Glue started burbling out the intake splitters, as I was holding it pointing down, making it look like the plane had a runny nose!
I should have taken a picture of it, but, no, I got a wet rag and started to clean it up, not holding it pointing down.
You guessed it, glue AND shot started out the afore mentioned slot like cr@p out of a goose.
Here it is cleaned up and painted with "Rust-oleum bright coat metallic finish" de-canted and applied with my trusty aztec
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