**** DONE: 1/48 F2A Buffalo - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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There was no rear bulkhead to the cockpit of F2As or its export variants. The seat was mounted on rails that were fixed in the cockpit "floor" (more of a framework that ran across the fuselage under the seat - this is not represented at all in the Tamiya kit) and ran up to a crossbar in the A-frame rollover frame. Making those changes is non-trivial so you could take the option of painting the bulkhead dark green to represent the armour plate fitted to RAF Buffalos which was often cannibalized from wrecked airframes for use on Dutch machines. It won't be 100% accurate but it's better than trying to replace the whole area aft of the seat with a realistic seat support mechanism.

As for the area under the rear of the canopy...that's a real can of worms. It could be aluminium (per the interior), black (per the upper part of the cockpit interior) or the exterior camo colour...or it could be something entirely different. Given that aluminium would tend to show up brightly, I tend not to go for that option...although it's probably how that area was coloured on early USN airframes. My recommendation would be to pick the most relevant exterior camo shade and use that. I don't think anyone can gainsay you on that (unless Mr Maas has more details...which is entirely possible). I'll double-check my pics to ensure I'm not lying through my teeth on this one...
Good choice George. I have a lot of Buffalo pics on my computer at home and will take a look tonight to see if any of then shed some light on that rear upper deck color.
Home at 8:30 this A.M., had a nap and did some cockpit painting. While waiting for the paint to dry, did some research and found out that the Dutch version had a ring and bead sight not included in the kit, off to the spares box...

I can't find an overhead or a front view of the sights but I'm going to assume they were offset to one side. Most of the photos I've seen show bomb racks installed. Tamiya have the racks and there are bombs molded with them but I'm guessing the Japanese wouldn't have tested the aircraft with the bombs attached so I'm going to remove them.....

.....my fingers and I will return later and let you know how it worked out.

It should be included in your version, the only one that doesn't have it is the US Navy Version of the kit.
As far as the gunsight is concerned ... according to these two pictures I found and drawings there wasn't any offset to the gunsight. Similar to the telescopic gunsight used for the plane it was attached along the centerline.

Note that RAF Buffalos in the Far East replaced the ring-and-bead gunsights with standard reflector sights. Some Dutch aircraft also were fitted with reflector sights cannibalized from scrapped RAF airframes.
Yep...entirely agree the ring-and-bead is appropriate for the captured airframe you intend to depict. I was simply observing that not all Far East Buffalos retained the ring-and-bead throughout their careers.
I noticed that on a majority of photos and I was wondering how to make a ring and bead sight. It wasn't until last night that I found them in my spares box. Also, your observations are greatly appreciated.

Looks like that spare is from a Hobbycraft P-36. I used one on my AVG bird in the last group build, but thinned down the ring a bit with a needle file as it's a bit "clunky"
Was wondering which kit it was from. Waiting for the glue to setup and I can button this sucker up. As much as I liked the addition of the handle to the trim control, no matter which way it was turned, it interfered with the seat so off it came.

The first bomb half has been removed from the pylon and no blood....


Looking nice so far, George. I need to grab one of these someday. Don has me interested in doing some yellow wing birds.

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