<> **** DONE: 1/48 F4U-7 (BuNo. 33710) - WW1 / WW2 over Water.

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Thanks all. I saw Wojteks post in my new GB about using those decals to correct the white but the white is smoking white, brighter than bright, so I'll leave it as it is. Good eye though to notice them. Camp bus shortly so I'll leave with this question...had anyone used Techmod Decals? These are what I'll be using for the serial numbers and I've read some horror stories about them. They don't stick, they stick like limpets, they fall apart just by looking at them, they won't conform to panel lines/curved surfaces no matter what decal solution is applied to them or they are the greatest decals ever used. Have a good week gentlemen. I work an overtime day at the end so I'm back Wednesday
The Techmod decals like cracking. Apply a gloss varnish on the decal sheet and then soak markings with very warm water. It should help.
Repair looks good enough to me - we only notice it as we know it's there, so after a month or so of it being completed, it'll be forgotten and not noticed again.
I agree with Wojtek re the 'Techmod' decals. The only other thing I would add is that they have a tendency to 'silvering', so an absolutely gloss finish is desirable on which to apply the decals, and ensure that they are squeegeed down fully, with an application of Micro Sol underneath if required.
One set of serial numbers done. Techmod decals worked great with a gloss coat over them. I then floated them in water and they settled down just fine. Pretty labor intensive though, placing one at a time and waiting for it to dry before placing the next

Very nicely done! That is particularly difficult as I remember placing the third number in a sequence with the first two dry. My hand must have been moist as when I took my hand away there sat the 3rd number while the 2 first numbers were now attached to the side of my hand!

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