**** DONE: 1/48 Harrier GR9,4(AC) Sqn RAF - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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I always did scoff at those and other defense cuts British government deemed necessary. Good model by the way! I think I actually have one of these stored somewhere back home!
Cheers. Might not get any more done tonight! Had a mate visit and stay and chatter for ages, only just sitting down to my evening meal, and it's 21.30 hours!
It was 21.30 Zulu ! Thanks chaps. Got a bit more done to the instrument panel, with the MFD switches re-painted and the screens and instruments glazed. Working on the ejection seat at the moment - pics when there's something to show.
Thanks Andy.
Progress to date, with the cockpit assembled, after glazing the MFD screens and instruments, and a bit of re-touching, and work underway on the ejection seat.
PICS 1 and 2 Show the cockpit, with the optics for the HUD not yet fitted. This will be done near the end, after the main painting is complete.
PICS 3 and 4. the ejection seat has had the head-box/parachute container enlarged, and the drogue shackle added, along with a couple of small details, including the canopy breakers. Next stage is to paint the seat and its details, add harness straps and buckles and the firing handle.
Thanks again for your interest, and I'll try to post another up-date before my p*** up on Saturday(!)


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