**** DONE: 1/48 Me262A-1a KG(J)54 - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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thanks fellas, moved on to the engine nacelles and wings and got some work done here.
Rear sections added to the nacelles, as you can see simply glued together, filed and sanded, NO filler required, both port and Stbd. sections same result!

Wings went together nice and clean too, Tamiya engineering at it's best!


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It certainly looks like a good kit Wayne and your certainly working your magic on this one. I always enjoy working with a good kit but then again, I miss it if there is nothing disrupting the build. In other words, I don't like them to come easy.
cheers Guys, engine nacelles in place and sanded!


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Seat belts in place and cockpit assembly coming together....


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