**** DONE: 1/48 Me262A-1a KG(J)6 - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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I think your engines are screwed Wayne!!

Yep! that they are...

Got on a run today and got most of the undercarriage stuff prepped painted and fitted...


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Thanks Andy, well a bit of extra time today and things are on...wheels, Canopy, antenna wiring....all but done now...!


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I agree.

Nothing at all against your skills Wayne (obviously!) but to me the recessed panel lines on this kit seem a bit too pronounced and not as subtle as Tamiya's. The rest of it looks to make a nice model though with some very good detail.
You're right on that count Andy, they are just a tad overdone compared to the Tamiya kit, but all things considered it does scrub up into a pretty good version of the Me262 with a little extra work....I'm glad I gave one a go...took final pics today but not happy with most of them, so depending on the weather tomorrow (expecting rain) will do some more otherwise inside under the light..
Ok here are a couple of the finished shots, new thread up tomorrow...

added my 1/72 Revell KG(J)6 Me262 as well...


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