**** DONE: 1/48 P-47D "Rat-a-Dat 3" - Allied Manufactured Aircraft

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First panel line wash applied and invasion stripes done:

Seeing how it might look once cowl applied:

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wings attached!
Only a slight gap to fill on the underside of the starboard wing flap - easily done with filler and refoil between the first white stripe and inboard part of flap.

The Quickboost engine:

As you can see - no push rods or ignition wires so will be far from a 'Quickboost'! However, a big improvement on the kit parts. I would usually paint silver first and then apply a black wash. However, this time I painted the cylinders gloss black and then dry brushed the silver.

resin parts added. Push-rods made from fuse wire and ignition wires from copper wire:


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