**** DONE: 1/48 P-47N Expected Goose - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Good stuff Glenn. I started to do that to the vent and deflector on the old Monogram razorback. Partly successful, but the plastic was about 1/4 inch thick around the inside of the moulding! Thankfully, the other kits I have are quite thin in this area.
Some more work done

1&2) The oil cooler vents again, first the drilled holes I started with, then the vent after all the cleanup.
3) Painting on the engine finished
4) The extra large drop tanks assembled and cleaned up
5) The wings and tail assembled. The fit was pretty good but will need a bit of filled in the underside wing joint. The longer wingspan of the P-47N really shows up in this shot.

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Getting closer to painting

1) More clean-up of parts
2) Drilled out the ends of the HVAR's
3) The gun sight needed some work to make it acceptable. The kit part lacked a bumper pad and had a single nob molded on top for the lens. The K-14 gun sight had 2 lenses and a half circle shaped bumper pad on the rear of it. I carved the pad out of a bit of plastic and cut off the lens nob and drilled two very shallow holed for the new lenses which will be filled with Future. I also drilled out the lightening holes in the mounting bracket. It still needs to be lightly dry-brushed and the reflector glass added.

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Glenn, impressive. Drilling out those rocket ends!!!
The tricky part was making sure the hole was started in the exact center. I used a sharp pointed # 11 blade to make a center point for the drill bit. An added bonus is that now I have a place to stick a toothpick to hold it while it's painted.

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