OK, yea I know, mineral spirits/turpentine BUT you have to FIRST be conscious enough to KNOW that you're using an enamel paint and not an acrylic.
Here's the story.
Instructions call for RLM 76 (Lichtblau); RLM 83 Dunkelgrun; and RLM 81 Braunviolett. Not to confuse RLM 71 Dunkelgrun (splinter) with the RLM 83 Dunkelgrun. It gets better - turns out that several companies can't tell the difference between 82 and 83...SO...Model Master RLM 83 is actually Lichtgrun NOT Dunkelgrun which is Model Master RLM 82. Thus begins the last minute search for Dunkelgrun Model Master 82 naturally OUT of STOCK. Finally find a bottle in Ohio...Hoorah...Now comes the unconscious part. It arrives, I open and spray...and clean with isopropyl alcohol and water...THEN I read the label and discover it's ENAMEL not ACRYL
Yea...Yea...Dumb Bass